Feedback on Boss fight

Hello i’m mostly looking for players of dark souls 3 who have fought the Soul of Cinder: Untitled
(But i’m open to any feedback I dont really mind)

I made a similar boss fight in my game, and wondering what I could change to make it more or less accurate (besides the obvious hints of blue)


Phase 2 (plin plin plon)

Lord of Cinder Fallen (Imagine)

About the map, i’ve already got that in my notes but what else should be added? Thanks.
Also, sorry for the bad quality, the max file size of 10MB really cooked me


I think the weapon trails could be a lot shorter in terms of distance and time it’s visible.

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Thanks ill try this rn and get back to you


If you haven’t already, I would consider adding the unnecessary backflips soul of cinder does every now and then, it’d be pretty funny.

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@Crazedbrick1 could only shorten the distance by just a little for canon purposes, might have to change the weapon model too so it reaches the trail :face_with_diagonal_mouth:



This boss fight looks INSANELY GOOD FOR ROBLOX! AWESOME JOB ON CREATING IT! How long did it take to make this boss fight? The graphics and lighting are great, everything about it is good! What game will it be used in? I rate it 10/10!

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if you want to make the boss fight more realistic, try using Future from Lighting > Technology > Future

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Do you have a template for giving feedback or something

This title name looks various way of saying good with an explanation mark! Congratulate developer on it with an explanation mark! How long did it take to step of development process (build, model, make)? How long have you been modeling for? (if modeling)


i think there is a bit too many ambient particles in the background, makes it a little hard to see what’s going on for me.

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Its most likely the quality I could post the video at cause I don’t have issues seeing it, but i’ll take that into consideration actually thanks

This game

You can upload videos to something like Imgur and then paste the link here. It’ll become a video embed after you paste it. I’m not sure what the limit is there though.

I agree with this. Don’t get me wrong, I like the particles, but you should consider lowering the rate a little bit.

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If you want feedback on combat backend (ig you can call it that?), I recommend doing enemy hitreg on the client. Because in soulsborne games, they all use client side hitreg (well they literally have to the game is hosted on the client). For their co-op system, they do client-side hitreg too. I think L4D2 does client-side hitreg for their enemies.

So basically, players should simulate the enemy’s attack on their client and then fire a remote to deal themselves damage (a self damaging remote). This allows for some really amazing hitboxes for the enemies, making dodging them feel so much more satisfying

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I was thinking of doing this originally before I started adding bosses to the game but unfortunately im planning on having PvP in the game (well it already has PvP) and it don’t know if it will bode well because hackers will be hackers. I don’t know how Elden Ring PvP works in a connectivity sense either

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Well for PVP just copy what battlegrounds/PVP games do. The client that hit the other client fires the remote to do damage and then you check the correct value

You would be an absolute saviour if you can answer this one, by any chance, do you know what hit detection this game uses? it seems absolutely perfect and even works for people who are lagging

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Simple, if the hitreg system works for people that is lagging, then it’s 100% client sided (or they have a server-sided lag comp solution, but that will not work in Roblox due to us not knowing some values that we need to know to implement that).

So it uses client side hitreg

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Thanks man, cause I wondering how that developer drowningsome installs the “Rollback” feature into their game, where for example:

  1. If player A hits player B and sees that they hit player B

  2. The server recieves player A’s “view” and deals damage to player B and casts all the hit effects n stuff

  3. But player B does not see themself get hit by player A because player B is on 200 ping

  4. So the server recieves player B’s info afterwards, and somehow reverses all the damage, hit effects and positions to where they were before player A hit player B

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IDK if you’d wanna do this though. Laggy players already have some sort of advantage, so just trust Player A hitting Player B. At least that’s my opiniom

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