Feedback on church I made

Awesome! I wish you the best of luck with your future build. :slightly_smiling_face:


I love the interior design. It could definitely use some more exterior design to make it look nicer, overall I think it looks great. Nice work.


You did a good job of making the church look neither eastern Orthodox, nor Roman Catholic, nor Protestant. The one issue is that there is no altar in the church, which makes it look incomplete if it is an Orthodox church. Great job though!


Ill see what I can do (adding an altar) Thanks!

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Yeah, I am adding more things now, but so far I have added this…

(Graveyard and a bushes, and ivy)



You shouldn’t make an altar / iconostasis (Orthodox altar) since they have a lot of icons and decorations and gold on them. The designs on the rug have meaning. If you do want to make an altar, make it simple, since adding too much detail could get your game taken down, see here.


Yeah I was a bit cautious, I added something more simplistic, like a table, no religious items shown or intended:


Oooo, I like it, it looks really nice. It defiantly adds to the aesthetic of the build.


The exterior looks clean but the interior (no offense) is somewhat underwhelming. I’d suggest extending the support beams across the entire roof and giving more detail to the benches, and making it brighter. Looks fine otherwise


Alright, ill make the beams across the roof and ill definitely add more detail to the pews ( to an extent), I would make it brighter in the inside but that wouldnt really fit the style im going for


it looks great if it were for a low-poly style, but in my opinion, adding more outside detail like grooves and supports to add
depth, etc, would make it look much better.
even adding depth to the windows, like an angled square pattern would look cool as well
great work!


Thanks! I have added a lot more since the images, including: changing of lighting, more outside deatil, both out of the church and outside around the church, and other things)

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ooh! Ill see what I can do for the square style. But may not, as it also isnt the style im going for

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Your choice.
Adding smaller details is always the way to go, it makes your build stand out more, plus, it is creative.


I’d say that this look’s amazing overall, is this getting improvements in the future?


Thanks, it has gotten improved since the images provided, should now be complete!

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Looks good! I would recommend adding something on the exterior.

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I have improved the exterior quite a lot! Thanks for the reply.

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Awesome! Good luck with your future build! :happy1:

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wow looks just super especially the inside is very beautiful

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