Feedback on "Circle Game" Second Test

Game link: Circle Game - Roblox

Hey everyone! It has been half a month since my last presence on this game. Last time, I asked for opinions on the Icon, Thumbnail, and first impression of the game. This time, I will also ask the same as the focus for this post is first impressions. I would also like to have feedback on whether or not you are willing to stick around to view updates on this game or if it’s a game you would hop on once in a while.

If you would like to compare what was different from last time, you can view everyone’s feedback here: Feedback on “Circle Game”

In this update, the ability system is not ready for mobile yet, so I would like to have opinions on the ability system from PC users.

This time, I will be looking for things on a poll. I will also accept detailed feedback! Let’s begin:

Please rate the following:

On first impression, how likely are you feeling about playing the game?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

How likely does the icon convince you to try out the game?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

How likely do the thumbnails convince you to try out the game?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

How well does the thumbnail describe what the game is going to be about?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

After playing the game, how satisfied do you feel?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

How likely would you come back to this game?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

How likely would you suggest this to a friend?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

If you have reached this far, I would like to thank you for your feedback! Feel free to comment any other suggestions you would have for me on this game so I can further improve this game in the long run. I want to make this game a new competitive game for the strategist community out there, so please let me know what you would like me to improve on!


Alright then. This is my results:

The likeliness of playing the game, I’d say 3. Personally, I didn’t really feel like wanting to play the game since it gave me those terrible mobile games lol.

For the icon, I’d say a 4. The thumbnail seems pretty interesting, although I guess it mainly focuses on the map rather than the actual gameplay itself.

For the thumbnails, I’d must give it like a 2. The thumbnails look rushed, especially the 4th thumbnail which is a screenshot on a phone which the rest of it is covered by nothing but white.

The 1st and 2nd thumbnails literally tell you how the game works, so I guess a 4 or 5.

The calming atmosphere and chill music really lives up to the simple gameplay of the game. Although I guess you might be stressed whenever you accidentally screw yourself up. I might need to change my rating to a 4 to a 5.

I’d also change my rating to a 4 to I guess a 1-2. I like the game, just I am more of a PVP player, still, doesn’t mean it’s bad.

For suggestion towards a friend, I’d change it to a 4 to a 2-3. Personally, I feel like they like the game just like my opinion above, they might not be interested.

FINAL THOUGHTS: The game is a simple but challenging which I actually like games doing, similar to games like The Battle Cats. It might not be interesting to me but that doesn’t mean I like the game, I actually think it’s decent. I’d say 7/10.

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Thanks for the constructive criticism, the white spacing definitely looked awkward and rushed, I wanted to show what the gameplay would be like if it was on PC/Mobile. I will definitely try to disguise it a little better for next time.

I am also glad you provided what kind of player you are, it tells a lot of the perspectives people perceive this game from a different point of view. Maybe it will interest you if there is a PVP mode planned for the future :slight_smile: I appreciate your additional feedback! :+1:

If there was a PVP mode, then I’d actually get interested on how it works.

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Wait… Isn’t this that Japanese game? I am guessing that’s what it is based on. Otherwise It is a great game!

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You are correct! I have mentioned in the description that this game is based on the “Suika Game” or Watermelon Game :slight_smile: Glad you like the game!

On first impression, how likely are you feeling about playing the game?

4 / 5. It reminds me of the Suika game, I’ve always wanted to play it because of my favorite singer but I’m broke lol

How likely does the icon convince you to try out the game?

1 / 5. Honestly speaking, I think the icon needs an improvement. Even though the game in general is fun, but if I saw a game simply just named “Circle Game” with the icon only having a pumpkin and a night background in it, I wouldn’t really bother clicking

How well does the thumbnail describe what the game is going to be about?

3 / 5. I don’t really know what to say for this one. It atleast describes what the game is about better than the icon. But I think both the icon and thumbnail needs more improvement

After playing the game, how satisfied do you feel?

5 / 5
Great, I wish there were more sound effects and some music in the background though. I just think it’s a little too silent

How likely would you come back to this game?

4 / 5. I’m not sure, but honestly it’s really addicting for me at the moment! I’d come back every chance I get.

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Thank you for your feedback! I also thought there could be an improvement on the icon, I haven’t really found much inspiration in designing the icon, but I’ll probably get someone to design one in the future. However, what surprised me was when you said the sound effects and music are silent since my test runs have music playing in the background. I will definitely investigate to see why that is occurring, that shouldn’t be happening.

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Great game, but how do you get more coins? And what is the event? I don’t see any way to participate in the event, and gain coins.

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The event awards you coins for either joining yesterday or today to try out one of the abilities available for purchase. If you are not on PC, you cannot try out this new ability until I implement mobile capability, but you should still earn 250 coins for future use. Normally the player starts with nothing if they are new to the game.

Hi Dragon,

Meanwhile, excellent MVP, everything worked correctly for me.

I could flatter you about what I see and like, but I don’t think it would help you much to improve, so I’ll tell you what I think is wrong:

  • The background, I’m sure you fell in love with it, but objectively it is completely inconsistent with the style in which you played the game. Choose a style and adapt everything to that (background, game, gui, effects)

  • The spaces, in my opinion there is too much empty space and this is because everything is condensed in the centre. Put the game in the center and bigger, leaderboards, donations on the sides, they are not the core of the game and it is not a fast-paced game so it makes no sense to have them so close to the main game screen.

  • Effects, being a casual game, more attention must be paid to polishing, the game mechanics must appear juicy, enriching the interactions with particles (I played without sounds, so I won’t say anything about that)

If you then plan to add features, consumable upgrades (e.g. erase all the smaller balls) that can be purchased with rubox would be useful.

As a final point, a suggestion: focus on the mobile target, it seems made specifically for that.


Thank you for your great suggestions! I was reading this yesterday when I was about to head to sleep, so I couldn’t reply to your comment sooner. I have plans to remove the leaderboard and donation from the center of the screen shortly (it is more to help me be motivated that others are interested in the end product of the game). In terms of the background, I have plans to add more themes that can be changed in the future, but I will take into consideration keeping it a similar style as you mentioned! I will also strive to focus on all devices’ capabilities as that is one of my primary goals when making this game from the start :slight_smile:

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