Feedback on experimental acs enhanced anti cheat

so, i’ve been trying to make an enhanced ACS anti cheat on top of the one already existing. I’ve managed to do it, but i want some feedback on it, or for someone to test it, or just tell if it looks decent looking by the code.

line 40

local function AccessID(SKP_0,SKP_1)
	if SKP_0.UserId ~= SKP_1 then
		SKP_0:kick("Exploit Protocol");
		warn(SKP_0.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Case 0-A: Client Tried To Access Server Code");
		table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, SKP_0);
	if SKP_0.Character:GetAttribute("gotAccessID") == nil then
		SKP_0:kick("Exploit Protocol")
		warn(SKP_0.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Custom Case 0D: No attribute gotAccessID after accessing server code.")
		--table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, SKP_0)
	if SKP_0.Character and SKP_0.Character:GetAttribute("gotAccessID") == true then
		SKP_0:kick("Exploit Protocol")
		warn(SKP_0.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Custom Case 0C: Tried to access server code after accessing the server code.")
		table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, SKP_0)
	SKP_0.Character:SetAttribute("gotAccessID", true)
	return ACS_0;

line 1009(after CharacterAdded function)

char:SetAttribute("gotAccessID", false)
if char:GetAttribute("gotAccessID") == nil then
player:kick("Exploit Protocol")
warn(player.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Custom Case 0A: gotAccessID attribute missing from player's character")
table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, player)
if char:GetAttribute("gotAccessID") ~= true then
player:kick("Exploit Protocol")
warn(player.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Custom Case 0B: gotAccessID attribute changed to false")
table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, player)

so, any feedback or successes getting through it this way?
(also this is a sign that im doing another acs edited, old one got discarded)

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