so, i’ve been trying to make an enhanced ACS anti cheat on top of the one already existing. I’ve managed to do it, but i want some feedback on it, or for someone to test it, or just tell if it looks decent looking by the code.
line 40
local function AccessID(SKP_0,SKP_1)
if SKP_0.UserId ~= SKP_1 then
SKP_0:kick("Exploit Protocol");
warn(SKP_0.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Case 0-A: Client Tried To Access Server Code");
table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, SKP_0);
if SKP_0.Character:GetAttribute("gotAccessID") == nil then
SKP_0:kick("Exploit Protocol")
warn(SKP_0.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Custom Case 0D: No attribute gotAccessID after accessing server code.")
--table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, SKP_0)
if SKP_0.Character and SKP_0.Character:GetAttribute("gotAccessID") == true then
SKP_0:kick("Exploit Protocol")
warn(SKP_0.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Custom Case 0C: Tried to access server code after accessing the server code.")
table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, SKP_0)
SKP_0.Character:SetAttribute("gotAccessID", true)
return ACS_0;
line 1009(after CharacterAdded function)
char:SetAttribute("gotAccessID", false)
if char:GetAttribute("gotAccessID") == nil then
player:kick("Exploit Protocol")
warn(player.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Custom Case 0A: gotAccessID attribute missing from player's character")
table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, player)
if char:GetAttribute("gotAccessID") ~= true then
player:kick("Exploit Protocol")
warn(player.Name.." - Potential Exploiter! Custom Case 0B: gotAccessID attribute changed to false")
table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, player)
so, any feedback or successes getting through it this way?
(also this is a sign that im doing another acs edited, old one got discarded)