Feedback on game :D

What would you like me to add into the game? i would add something if you want to make it better give me some suggestions! :smiley:

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Sure this game is a vibe game, try making the background not a baseplate. There is a lot of good mesh creators which you can ask to borrow some meshes from then credit. For example BL00MIE is a great mesh designer. If you feel like you don’t like that try making your own models. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just try to think of ways to make it more lively.

Like adding a slight fog in chimney, or make the lights neon. It really depends on what you want your game to be like. I would seriously love to help you. But at the end of the day you have to think. “What style do I want my game to follow”

Your game is great. At the end of the day as I said earlier.

Just try to make it more lively is what I suggest. Good Luck!

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Just joined the game and saw it. It looks great! This game has some great potential! Good luck on your game! :smiley:


sneak peak of camping :eyes: its a cabin so probably in a forest so why not go camping

The entirety of the map looks really empty, the house looks like a modified free model, and the lighting looks weird for a chill type game.


Well hey I’m not a good builder like you so I cant build that well!

This is so cool! I love the little campsite in the corner, and I think that the time counter is a really nice touch. And the animations around the map are really cute. 10/10!

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You should really work on the lighting. Currently it doesn’t look good and it needs improvements.

Also, you should think twice about using this much free models. Why not create your own stuff?

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I would but I have no idea how! I wish I did know how to create my own models and stuff!

Oh by the way I made the lighting better! please suggest more stuff if you would like!

Don’t give up and keep trying. Make small things in the beginning, and expand them when you feel you’re ready for a higher step.

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I appreciate everyone that commented even if it isn’t a nice comment, I still appreciate the comments that you took your time and even tried my game :slight_smile:.