Hello everyone, I’d like to recieve an feedback about my game icon I was working on it right now. I already created a topic/thread about this last time so if you are wondering how my old game icon looked like and what the game is about, please check this thread:
I tried to be as much accurate as what my repliers said on what it could been better in my old icon.
Now here is my progress from my last post:
I’d also like to hear which one is better at this moment now, the old one or new one and what it could of been better. Thank you everyone and have a nice day.
Changes I’d do:
I think you should add some effects to enhance the picture.
I also think you should remove the white banner and just leave the ‘‘runblox’’ text by itself!
I do however love this version as it’s a more modern version unlike the first one which significance’s old roblox and you took more of a 2019 approach to it. Keep up the good work.
Hello there, so as many people stated above, the quality of the picture is a bit low. There is a lot of room for improvements to get your game icon to the next level.
Now don’t get me wrong, the difference between the old and new icon is huge, you definitely learned something from the repliers and tried to apply their suggestions to your icon.
In my opinion, removing the white banner is a necessity so the map in the background doesn’t get hidden. Also, changing the lighting in the background would be a great addition.
Other than that, you’ve really improved since the last icon you made.
Keep up the great work.
The text has already been addressed in previous comments, so I’ll focus on the background.
The red helps it stand out, but it’d likely be more eye-catching to the viewer if the character was larger or perhaps even rendered. Some icons do use Roblox Studio for their graphics, but using some sort of rendering program (Blender, for instance) for even just the character can vastly improve the icon’s quality as a whole!
If you’re interested in rendering, here’s a good tutorial to help get you started:
Hello all of you (@sixwoods, @Valkedd, @skizem, @Serpent_Eyes, @dreamsfree and @0Skyz), I know that y’all are a lot better than me in doing a GFXs, game icons and other stuff, so I made this reply because I’d just like to say a big thank you to y’all for taking your time and learning me new things, it really helped me out.