Feedback on Game Icon #3

Hello again everyone, I’d like to recieve an feedback again about my game icon I was working on it today. I already created a two topics/threads about this, so if you are wondering how my old game icons looked like and what the game is about, please check this two threads out:

My first thread about game icon:

My second thread about game icon:

And this is basically my third thread about my game icon.

I tried to be as much as accurate on what my repliers said on what it could been better in my old icons. I’d like to thank all of them again for learning me new things on how to improve my icon.

Now here is my progress from my last post, which was posted yeaterday:

In my opinion this is a game icon I was looking for so this might be last thread about my game icon but I want to hear it from other people as well. If you don’t like anything on the icon or what could of been better feel free to tell me in a reply. I also hope everyone of you are having an amazing day today. :herb:


I think that’s pretty good, I would remove the spikes on the text, it makes it somewhat hard and irritating to read. Besides that it’s perfect.


Wow, you really improved this looks great! I’m very impressed at how far you’ve come, I could have never done it so quick. A suggestion though, I feel like the background is too empty. Maybe add some cool effects on the sides or background?


Its great! Like Andrews, I would say to remove the spikes, but other than that, it works great! Keep up the good work!


Actually I disagree with alland and andrew. I say you should keep the spikes but make their color brighter than the main text. Also maybe you should make the text a bit brighter. Not as bright as the spikes though. This would make it look nice while being easy to read.

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Great work! You have really improved on the suggestions!

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Coming from the last post you made, you have improved!

I don’t know the word, but it looks like the character and text is “grainy” in a way?

Other than that, you’ve drastically improved from the last posts.

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I personally like the spikes, maybe just less of them if you can. I’d also brighten up the logo a tad. Seems kinda dark to me. Other than that, looks pretty good!

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WOW! Amazing improvement. I’m very impressed. I love the text a long with the the character’s position. Only thing I’d do different is edit your lighting and use a different outfit. Overall big fan.

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Hello all of you (@AndrewsDeving101, @HabibiBean, @Alland75, @skizem, @Serpent_Eyes, @Natalie_Clabo, @sixwoods and others from old threads) I am really happy to have all of you here in this community to help me, without you guys and girls I would never achieve this kind of icon I have right now and I am still learning new stuff which means that I will create even better icons in near future. I work really hard on my game project and as many of you could of have seen from the icon. I don’t really know how I could say a really BIG thank you to y’all for helping me out than just a simple kind reply of mine. :herb:


Bro no problem, we are always hear to help. Remember, practice makes perfect :+1:


That is what the devforum is all about! Isn’t it nice? You will continue to learn and learn, soon your icons will be amazing. Like everyone keeps saying, practice makes perfect!


It is super duper better than using google.


I love to help others, thanks! :heart:


Just saw this from your other icon!

Nice improvement! Seems you followed the tutorial I linked previously and ended with a great render as a result! My only minor suggestions would be to perhaps make the character brighter, and even add an effect (like a simple glow or sunburst) behind to make it stand out more from the background.

Otherwise, impressive progress! Keep it up!

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Looks good! You could improve some things in the future, but It’s very good!


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Hey @0Skyz yeah I really did listen to you in last thread and I showed an improvement just by rendering models in blender. The tutorial you sent is awesome. I’d like to thank you a lot as well, you are a great teacher. :smiley: @DaffyDavinko thank you for your opinion, I really do appreciate it. :smiley: :herb:

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