Feedback on gamepass icon

Hey, I’m looking for feedback on a gamepass icon I created. Everything is made by me apart from the font. Thank you!




I personally think this looks really good. I’ll defiantly like to see other gamepasses like this.


Looks good! The purple really helps it stand out, but perhaps adding a black outline around the text to match the character and enlarging it could help the text stand out as well!

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Good work @PandaPb! This is quite a unique art style for a gamepass icon, which is great to see. I particularly like the sun rays effect and the way you managed to capture the momentum of the character. Here are some of my suggestions as to how it could be improved further.

Disproportionate Right Arm

The upper right arm appears to be disproportionate relative to the lower right arm, with the upper arm being considerably shorter than the lower arm. In general, both the upper and lower arm should be of equal length.


I think by extending the upper arm to match the length of the lower arm, you will be able to alleviate the disproportion and create a more realistic human character in the process.

Outline Size Variance

The thick, outer outline, while consistent elsewhere throughout the artwork, becomes noticeably thin around the socks. This seems to be the only area where this happens.


I think increasing the size of the outline in this area would help keep the artwork consistent.

Outlined Text

In keeping with the theme of consistency, I agree with @0Skyz that an outline on the text would help tie both the artwork and text together.


As mentioned above, I think you’ve done a great job capturing the character’s movement and momentum. The sun rays effect also makes the icon more engaging. With a few slight adjustments, I think you’d have an awesome gamepass icon ready for your game!


Here is the edited version. Is this better?


Much better! @Craftero had good suggestions that look great! Maybe move the text so it’s not connecting to the knee of the character, otherwise it’s very nice!

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I think that looks a lot better. Great work, @PandaPb!

You’ve done an excellent job improving the arm and the outlines are a lot more consistent too. I also really like the new motion lines you added behind the character. They really help emphasise how fast he’s travelling.

I agreed with @0Skyz that the text should be moved or scaled down slightly to avoid obstructing the character and after seeing the icon with that change made as well, I think it certainly improves it.

Other than that, if I were to offer one final suggestion, I think increasing the vibrancy of the yellow in the runner’s clothes may be an effective way of complimenting the other bright colours in the icon. At the moment, the yellow looks slightly dull in comparison.

Here’s a quick mock-up I created to demonstrate the idea:


Thank you for the awesome feedback, this what I’ve got. @Craftero


What do you think of this?

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Much better! Lots of improvement from the original. :clap:

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I’ve noticed something, on the leg to the left there is a round knee, on the leg to the right there really isn’t a knee. Make the knee on the right leg more round.

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You do have to take into consideration that the knee is bent though.

Looks good and seems to have been improved several times which I like to see because that means you don’t give up when it comes to developing. I think the gamepass icon is really good keep it up!

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I really like the design of it! Really stands out.

The only thing I noticed is the shoes. The shoes sort of look like socks, maybe adding a bit more “shoey” design to it by adding laces and other small details.

I really like it! I would purchase it if I saw it!

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I assume this is supposed to be double speed gamepass and that’s really good design for that. The purple colour makes the character stand out. The only thing I would change is make the circle purple, not purple with lighter stripes

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Wouldn’t the 2x get cut off on the latest one?

Great point. Since I removed the outer circle the circle decreased slightly in size but still is in a 150x150.