Feedback on GFX (first ever gfx)

Heyo! I just made my first ever gfx, just wanted to get some opinions on it! its for my clothing group called icon

Gfx i made yes


I believe this is pretty sick dude! The lighting in the background is perfect. Good job dude. :sunglasses:

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thanks! it was my first time suprisingly


I only just have one thing I saw, I checked your store and didnā€™t see the shirt used in the GFX. I think the shirt right now fiits the mood, but maybe use a piece of clothing from your store? ALSO MAYBE IM BLIND AND DIDNT SEE IT BUT LOL.

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no its not ours lol, my clothing designer used an old render that he had and yeah we prolly shouldve but it doesnt rlly matter lol

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Yas. Either way its fnd cause it goes well with the mood of it :sunglasses:


This is a really nice gfx. I love the lighting and the background, and itā€™s especially for for your first one!

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Your First GFX is pretty solid, but for future GFX I would add a watermark to prevent it from being stolen. But this looks sick!

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Looks pretty nice! Good job on this. This is very good for a first gfx and all the lighting and stuff in the gfx are perfectly balanced. Keep the good work up! Btw your groupā€™s clothing are very cool looking.


thanks so much i appreciate the support! more to come! you can always join the group and check back every once and awhile and see the icon change haha

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its as my group icon, anyone can steal i anyways and thanks


Looks pretty good. What did you use to make it?

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an old render my friend made, and


First ever gfx? Wow, itā€™s really good. The quality is immaculate as well.


thanks, and yeah it was my first ever one, my friend made the render and i did everything else


Really good for a starter. Iā€™m no GFX artist, but last time I tried, I failed. I understand it isnā€™t easy, and thatā€™s super good for a never-done-it before!


thanksssssss its on my group im primarily a clothing designer, and i own a group with 400 members so i dont make gfx a lot that was my only one ive ever made, if you wantt o help me out you can join the group :slight_smile:


LOL. Thatā€™s projectsupreme. Nice. For a first GFX thatā€™s really really well done. Anyways, the only thing I would change is the camera. I would put it closer to the character so it does not look like he is floating. Awesome though.


thanks, and yeah I prob will next time as well, and yeah it is lol, i didnt make the render just the rest


This is great for your first time!
The lighting is amazing and matches quite well.
However, I suggest changing the lighting on the character to a white or a baby-blue-ish white; that way, it matches the backgroundā€™s light posts.
The image looks a bit flat, so adding a vignette to the image would be a nice touch.
Overall, itā€™s amazing for your first one!
Keep up the good work. :smile::+1: