Feedback on GFX? (First real GFX)

Edit: I know about blender, at the moment I am not downloading it due to the fact that I need the space for my drawing/animation programs I currently use (I might in the future though). As well as multiple people already commented w/tutorials if I ever need it. So please if you are a new commenter, just critique what I have instead of mentioning moving to blender instead.

I was bored and decided to make this:

Original image (I took this of my avatar in Royal high with the highest graphic settings:

What I did was first cut out the background (blending out any rough edges). Adding a background (which I than blurred). Adding some shading and highlights, than adding some glow ontop. Finishing with some sparkles.

I used clip studio paint to make this and used the screenshot I took in royal high as the base. Thoughts?

(my layers if anyone is interested)

I never actually tried to do a real GFX, and I am kind of proud of this. Do you think it is good enough for comissions?


It looks Awesome! Yes I think its good enough for commissions!


Thank you! (I definitely want to try and do commissions since that is what is pretty popular on talent hub)

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it would be better to learn blender instead of using in game screenshots. what happens if you don’t have the royale high items that the person who commissioned you has?? it would be hella difficult to edit them on. you’ll also get better quality + resolution for the art itself if you use blender or cinema 4d. you’ve got good ideas, but you need to do things the traditional way if you want to call this a gfx.

Royal high was just for practice, as it was a screenshot I took for fun. (I can also simply just go into studio and make whatever user they want me to make, which would also be easier for me to pose).

I know blender is better, but I’d rather not since I have no idea if my computer can handle it (I need the space for my drawing/animation programs+files first).

Even if it is not done in the traditional way, it definitely still falls under being a Roblox gfx (as a Roblox gfx is just a roblox avatar done in a highly render/realistic way, which this image definitely does).

I appreciate the advice, maybe I’ll try out blender if I know my computer can take it. I plan on trying more shading and lighting, as I think it needs more contrast.

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Hello there my friend, I have some tips to help you :smiley:
If you want to do gfx, I recommend not taking screenshots from royale high. Not many poses etc will be available. I recommend getting a rig, downloading blender and learning how to pose, lightning, 3d clothing and editing.
I do not think you are ready for commissions just yet as there is still a lot to learn :slight_smile:
If you would want to learn more, here’s a tutorial I found helpful when I started gfx :smiley:
How to make a Roblox GFX from start to finish - YouTube

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Wow, the GFX looks good for a first time, I can see some render issues on the clothes and on the face, and hair. Im guessing it’s not intentional, but still, Amazing GFX

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This is beautiful! you could absolutely do commissions!

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It’s fine. But it isn’t really a “real” Roblox GFX, as it’s just a screenshot of your avatar stuck on a background.

I recommend checking out Blender, and getting to grips with it, then follow this tutorial. Some Low-End PCs should run it. And even then, it won’t affect the final render.


Also, blenders Cycles rendering engine is ray-traced, ofter leading to better lighting.

And also with Blender you can use upscaled textures.

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I mean, its good but there will be times when screenshotting will not work for making gfx’s. Commisions? I would say get a bit more practice, but i guess you can.

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If I ever did decide to do commissions, I would just use studio to set up whatever I need.

I found a nice program to do some better lighting after, so I might play with that.

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The face needs cleaning, especially the eyes, they should probably have some sort of glow.

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The eyes having glow would actually look nice! Should it be a yellow glow to match the eye color, or pink to match the background?

Sorry for the late response
I think that yellow would be the best because it makes them pop more

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