Feedback on GFX?

Woah, looks more cute, good job!

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i am sure i saw an old type of hair on the catalog ill look it up

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thanks, you should check out the updates version tho:

Please fix the arms it looks really odd.

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yeah, i’m rendering the image right now.
please stand by for 15 - 20 minutes

Alright, nice. I assume you are working cycles?

yes, because eevee has like the worst shadows in the history of shados

Yeah, eevee is horrible, I personally do everything in cycles.

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You can maybe try this. This would fit the era, unless you are looking for black specifically.


is that the man hair or something else?

also, when i searched man hair, i found:

would those fit the era?

imo, yes.



@Logimite @ZINTICK @rollinraywheelchair @angxIicmia @MesmerizingMongoose

another updated version!

sorry if the contrast not greate

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the pose is amazing but keep the original hair


I can’t help but feel the hair’s position looks off? And also the noise is colorful in some areas- like it is noise from a TV and not an old film camera/

nah they said the original hair didn’t fit with the 1950s theme because

it was an anime hair

that hair fit much better

idk i kinda liked the original it can have some fantasy you know

The film grain still doesn’t look real. Also try changing the background

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yeah… idk how to make the film grain look real.

but except for the background contrast, I think this Is my best one so far.

So depressing, yet amazing! :cry:

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wat is depressing ;c wat make youfeel bad