Feedback on Icon and Thumbnail. Made in 5 minutes



I think the icon needs a bit more to it. And the Thumbnail yea its fine.

  • Good :slight_smile:
  • Bad :frowning:

0 voters


That’s impressive for 5 minutes, well done.

However, I’d recommend for the icon to make it more eye-catching, right now it’s sort of dull as the background is a dull color and the text isn’t really exciting.

If you’d want to get more players, I’d suggest having a vibrant, popping icon so that it could be seen better in the thousands of games on the discover page.

Also, I would make the hot air balloon bigger since it’s kind of the main thing of the game (if I’m correct by the name), right now it’s sort of small, and how about centering the text, it’s a bit on the side.

Other than that, it’s great, keep it up! :happy3:

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I think the activity on the icon isn’t spread out enough. I would experiment with putting the text in the centre or lower right.

Also, if you want to be more consistent with the game’s art style, you might want to either pixellate the bubbles and platforms or unpixellate the player character.

the bubbles are pixellated. Only the spikes arent.

I was thinking of a design that like has a gradient on the edges with some blur like you know youtubers thumbnail. I cant explain well but like.

Gradient with blur on edges and the center pop.

I dont want it to be vibrant I know the current trend is just to have a idiotic vibrant thumbnail/GFX but my game is not vibrant at all! If you played it or not. Making it vibrant would just ruin the style of the game.

I see and agree with you on that, so I think the color you have right now fits best with the theme.