I created a company logo for my one-man company, tell me whether i need to change something, or there are some issues.
I would use a different font. I suggest using a website like cooltext.com. It lets you make text like this:
To export from cooltext.com, just right click on the logo and “Save image as…”
I will take a look, thanks
Pretty basic.
• Font is a bit plain for my liking.
• Add a background to make it more interesting.
I think that the font of the text is too weak and there should be something as the background. Also, I can see green outlines of the character.
Maybe a better use of lighting? The background looks like it would be a light source but then looking at the character, light is coming from somewhere else. The legs like they’ve been shortened a bit, but I like the pose although the right arm looks like its dislocated or floating, you should add a more diverse background to make it more interesting. I think it could use some improvement but it seems like you have the spirit to keep trying (: .
Why dont you make some stuff you made in the background? Then the logo can have a deeper story.
Maybe spend your time learning to use Blender? It offers a wider range of tools to work with, allowing you to add nice lighting, backgrounds, poses, etc to your logo. When you use an in-game green screen, you sacrifice antialiasing for a more jagged, pixel-ly look. I feel as if you could create a much better logo if you had better tools and a bit more experience using a program like Blender.
Actually, there kinda is more to it, than meets the eye, with the light in the background, i was trying to give it sort of the vibe that the character stands in dark place lit up by offscreen streetlight.
so your basically saying that the story is your lighting skills correct? Im getting a little confused tbh.
I actually have blender on steam, i tried using, but failed due to my lack of experience with such software, i’ll try to learn using it later, but this logo has to do for now; i planned to use it on small surfaces as a decal, so imperfections shouldn’t be as noticeable, besides i can always upgrade it if i wanted to.
It’s less of a flex, more like an experiment, to see how it comes out.
I would recommend touching up the sides of the head and body a bit. You can still see part of the green screen you used. To make the sides a bit smoother, you can erase a little bit of it depending on what program you use.
The render of your avatar sticks out maybe take away most of the green screen
also try not to use a basic font so your logo stands out more than other’s that would
add more style to your logo, it would make it more interesting.
Although that is a easier way to make logos, it’s technically not yours. It would be better if you made the logo yourself. Having a different font is fine, but having a website do things for you isn’t really efficient. You will go better off making your own logos.
Hope this helps you!
Will take this into account, and if i understand correctly, you’re telling me to make my own fonts?
I replied to someone else, but you can use any font. The problem was that someone suggested to use a website to make logos, and I am saying to him the method isn’t efficient. You can grab any font, but don’t rely on websites to make your logos.
I think the point he’s trying to get across is, use different fonts. Downloading fonts is better as opposed to using websites to do so, because fonts downloaded onto your computer allows for more flexibility and overall customization.
I reccomend using DaFont to find fonts.