Hey Devfourm, it’s been a while since I posted but I posted the V2 Version of an Army GFX I did FEEDBACK on my ARMY GFX? (V2) I decided to make a recent one and I would like some feedback.


It’s not very clear, the background looks white (winter) but the grass under the character is green.
Sandbags are too small or character too big.
Lack of actions, and the character looks a bit dumb.
Other than that, it works, but overall too generic.

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Trees and grass look like from separate places

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looks great :slight_smile: but you can improve the light and character face

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If the sky was like a storm would look cooler

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Pretty eye-catching. Did great with the trees. I’d just like to point out that the vision headset on the player’s helmet/their vest is off-center or askew. As some have already mentioned, the sandbags are pretty small—I’m having a hard time discerning atmosphere/depth in this. The rig’s arm also looks a bit weird, I think it’d be better if it was bending from the back and not the side. Details are great though. Amazing shading other than the player’s face.
tl;dr accessory placement, atmosphere and DoF, lighting

Thanks for the feedback, the hand does bend weird, the shading on the face is off and all the other things you mentioned, I’ll make sure to fix them.

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