Feedback on my Cafe build!

Hiya! so I have recently been hired on making a cafe game, and I wanna hear your feedbacks! this is my first project ever since I have started building a week ago. Note that it is still under construction. I am not the one modelling and scripting the computers and machines.!

! (upload://py90kkuAHE8DHJ98EHP9T1CpZ3k.png) Hope it’s good, it is still under construction.


I’d say it would need a bit more light into it. Like make logos over each room and try to add more detail to it, it won’t look good without too much light.

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7-10. Building is good, but the lighting is bad imo. I also feel like it’s kinda empty. Either way, good job!

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Lol, I suck at optimizing the lightings, Recycle bins and machines are still being made and scripted which is why it feels empty, and those are not being made by me.

Lol, it’s easier for me to build with blocks, I’ll try learning some new ways. In the meantime is there any lighting plugins I could use to make the lighting better? and is there any plugins I could use to make circular parts more easier to make?

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Hey! :smiley:

I’d give it a 7 or 8/10. I’d knock off 2-3 points because of a couple reasons:

  • As mentioned in the thread, the lighting, darken the game a bit and/or play around with lighting. I’m sure somebody who specializes with lighting will stumble upon your post and help you out
  • It seems a bit empty on the outside and in some parts on in the inside
    You could possibly add a few tables/chairs outside for “outdoor seating” and perhaps some signs above the registers!

These aren’t game-breaking mistakes, merely suggestions/opinions to improve the overall design.
Keep it up! :):+1:

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Yes I am planning on adding tables on the outside, but I’m planning on doing it later since my deadline is 1 week. and it’s 12 PM here.

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why do u need plugins use lighting effects

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I was asking if there were any plugins to optimize the lighting, simply asking if there are any.

Posts asking only for ratings aren’t allowed, you might want to consider editing that part out and focusing on raw feedback.

There are a lot of things I could comment on, but I’ll focus on two aspects.

I am in no way a builder; these are my opinions as a player.


Contrary to what many believe, you can build blocky buildings quite well.

The key is in the level of detail.

For example, take a look at this Starbucks:

It’s very blocky, consisting of mostly rectangles. But it still looks good.

Why does it look so good? Beyond it being an actual IRL location, it uses several buildings techniques that work in conjunction with each other to create a nice-looking building.

The depth differences;


The contrasting use of color;


The small but noticeable lines that separate blocks of concrete;


The overhang and fence posts;


Among others, these all work in conjunction to create a good-looking if blocky, building.

Or, look at this 3D Model:

Although it is not an actual building, it looks like one by incorporating all of these elements I listed above.


I don’t recommend using lighting plugins. While it can look good, it takes away from the experience of designing personal lighting systems.

Actual architects consider lighting when designing a building. By also considering this, your work can more accurately reflect real-life designs.

I hoped this helps.


Thanks for the feedback! I am getting payed 250 robux by the owner, but he wants a little bit of similarity to Frappe, and I’m struggling to do that.

You should be asking for more; 250 is almost nothing for an entire build. At your skill level, you’d be right to ask for at least 1.5k.

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I’ll consider raising my prices once I finish this project, it’s my first project, so I didn’t ask much.

Alright, good luck.

I don’t think I stated it bluntly enough, but my original reply was meant to show what a makes a good build, so you could incorporate those aspects into yours.

Looks nice, but I don’t like how it’s all blocky but that’s my opinion.

Ah, yes. I’m not that good at circular parts, as I am only building for about a week and blocky parts is what I usually use.

Ah, I see. That’s amazing for your first week! Hope to see more work from you in the future.

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This is actually a very good build up until the tills. If there is a barrier between the tills and the customer it would make it feel less welcoming.

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I’ll try to change that, thanks!

Very nice considering you only started building a week ago. However, I feel that the exterior does not match the interior. I instantly fell in love with the exterior. So much complexity and style. The interior is quite lackluster and it might be due to the fact the colors don’t match. I would advise using whites/greys/ and browns instead of bright colors. Also I think you should remake the furniture for a more realistic/detailed feel. The exterior is detailed whilst inside is kind of a low-poly simulator feel. Hope this helps!

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