I made a heart looking health bar that features particles and animations when you take damage. I feel like something is missing and I’m aware it can use some improvements. Any suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated. Thanks!
I think having a human heart can be unpleasing for a few people… also make the particle amount be equal to damage taken so 100 damage taken = 100 particles. and yes 2d ui doesnt causes lag at all!
Thanks for your suggestion!
I’ve actually made it so 1 damage is equivalent to 10 particles. Do you think there are too much particles?
I tried to make the heart not so unpleasant to look at by making it a silhouette and not so realistic… perhaps I should change the image to a heart like this?
there is a module for that called 2D Particle or something… Anyways those arent 3d those are 2d I have made them using the same module. You gotta get it its very handy.
I understand your point of view, but I believe the appearance of the heart depends on the type of game. If it’s a horror or realistic game, a more realistic might make more sense than a cartoon heart