Feedback on my custom health bar

I made a heart looking health bar that features particles and animations when you take damage. I feel like something is missing and I’m aware it can use some improvements. Any suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated. Thanks!

(the health bar is in the right bottom corner)


It would be so cool when I see that in dark and DOT damaged situation


I think having a human heart can be unpleasing for a few people… also make the particle amount be equal to damage taken so 100 damage taken = 100 particles. and yes 2d ui doesnt causes lag at all!


Thanks for your suggestion!
I’ve actually made it so 1 damage is equivalent to 10 particles. Do you think there are too much particles?

I tried to make the heart not so unpleasant to look at by making it a silhouette and not so realistic… perhaps I should change the image to a heart like this? :heart:

yea would be better…

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Looks really clean, kinda curious how u made the confetti, could you explain?

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To put it in a nutshell:

  • Clones the particle
  • Gives the particle a random speed
  • Makes the particle move with the set velocity properties
  • Repeats above and removes it after a few seconds

how do you make the particles go up and then fall back down

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Probably bezier curves I don’t know what else it could be

It’s spreadangle.


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Could you tell me what spreadangle is? sorry if that’s a dumb question I thought it was only for particle emitters


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I am very disturbed. Would it be nice if you could change the image to a. regular heart?

Sorry I don’t know that much about particle emitter

It’s fine, you should look at a guide

there is a module for that called 2D Particle or something… Anyways those arent 3d those are 2d I have made them using the same module. You gotta get it its very handy.

For those who are wondering how he made those particles. rParticle: The Light Weight, Open Source, GUI Particle System - #13 by joeldes they are 2d particles.

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Well actually I made my own particle system for this; obviously using that plugin would be a more efficient way to create particles though.

I plan on making the heart to be less disturbing. I will make the image normal like you said (assuming you meant a heart like this :heart:︎)


I understand your point of view, but I believe the appearance of the heart depends on the type of game. If it’s a horror or realistic game, a more realistic might make more sense than a cartoon heart

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