Feedback on my (Fantasy?) Sword

Greetings! I’m a novice modeler and I wanted to make a sword today. I’m not experienced much at modeling and I would like to have some honest feedback! There are some black spots etc. on the model that showed up after I rendered the sword but they aren’t there on the actual model.

Without Texture



It looks amazing, especially considering that you are inexperienced, as you said. This is true skill! Great job and good luck in your future of modeling. :slight_smile:

Wow, this has just blown my mind. I hadn’t even read the part saying you weren’t experienced, straight as I saw it I thought you had around 2-4 years experience. I then read what you had said and gosh, I am so impressed! :slight_smile: This is a fantastic design and I hope you enjoy your future in Roblox Developing. :smiley:

@MattPrograms and @H_appify thank you both for your great words. I’m glad you liked it.

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This is one of the best swords I’ve ever seen honestly. Nice job!

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Thank you for the great words :laughing: :slightly_smiling_face:

That looks like an 8k sword, truely magnificent.

This is amazing! Did you use GFX to make the sword look better?

Yes I rendered it in Blender with cycles rendering engine. Also @worldwarbattle and @dogpdog thank you for the great words :slightly_smiling_face:

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First glance I can see that this is a well modelled sword for an amateur modeler. But, there are aspects of the sword that needs improvement:

  1. The blade is too thick, consider making it thinner
  2. The blade looks a bit too short, lengthen it a tad
  3. The guard is too thick:
  4. The handle needs an increased size:
  5. This one is optional, but the blades’ curvature should be more exponential than sine(meaning it curves to the point slowly at first, then fast):

Diagram of a sword:

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Thank you for your suggestions. I will consider them when I make a new one or upgrade this one. By the way the edges of the blade is 0 in size. So, there’s 0 thickness. It’s probably looks like that because the renders angle.

The blade looks like a good size, I compared the OP’s sword and your diagram sword and I found that they both have similar dimensions just scaled a bit.

Love the texturing on this sword it looks great! Although the shape of the handle looks a bit weird.

Yeah it looks a bit off because I took a fantasy sword blade and a real handle for the grip as inspiration.

I can’t even tell if it’s Roblox or not! Keep up the amazing work!

Looks amazing! Great work! :+1:

That’s amazing! Keep it up, Your doing a great job. :zap:

Looks amazing i dont know how i can give good feedback

Thank you for the good words! It probably looks like it’s not in Roblox because I rendered the image in Blender with cycles to get better lightning. But, there won’t probably be a difference other than lightning in Studio too because Roblox Studio supports PBR! Also, @thatgamecool , @Renderbloxian and @NewUrie thank you for the great words. Appreciate it.


That looks mighty fine actually, good work.