Feedback on my first 2D graphics (2D gfx)

Hello! Give me feedback on my first 2D graphics, I’m currently learning different effects to add to it.Please help me fix my mistakes with some constructive criticism.

Inspiration by @EvilArtist

Edit: Background is not mine, totally found online. I did create the effects and I can draw better I was just rushing.


try making the character fit with the background by adding shadows by using the sun in the background as a light source. also try adding filters to the character so that it looks more uniform with the background, try making it look like the photo was “taken from the same camera”.

Here’s an example of what I mean (photo is not mines)

this is just an anime character with a real life background, but the lighting matches the source from the real life photo, and the colors that are used are slightly dark to make it look like the character is actually in the scene.

this type of stuff is hard to do, but i think with enough practice, you should be able to get better


Thats a good idea! Thanks. I am currently practicing shadow and my lighting skills. Thank you again for the idea.