Feedback on my first ever game! - Project: Spider

Hello there! I have just released my game called Project: Spider. I’m extremely eager for the game’s initial release and the players’ feedbacks since it’s our first ever game yet!.
About the game:
The game is a free-roam web swingin’ game, explore the city, do quests and earn money to buy new unique suits!
The game features a good amount of mechanics that are listed in the game’s description. But there are some that I think is too long / specific to be put in Roblox’s description, so I will be writing them down here.

  • When you’re near a ledge while climbing, you can press R to vault over it.
  • When you’re wall running and you’re about to exit it, you will be automatically jumped off the building. However, You can change the direction of the launching by utilizing your camera.
    You can have a look at this here:

Last but not least, what we have all been waiting for, the game link:
Any criticism, feedbacks, suggestions, bug reports are welcome and incentivized!


Update: Fixed some minor bugs and added more songs!

i like it, i think is very good, although you need to work on the icons and also add some npc as well i think it makes it a little more alive

Thanks for your feedback! I’m very limited to any kind of artistic work and so is my partner, who is a builder. We will be sure to improve and polish the UIs soon, and hopefully add npcs walking around when I fully optimized all of the mechanics in-game.

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Oh, i can’t play it on mobil. You should make it playable on all devices.

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Mobile will be added sooner or later, as of right now there are still polishing thats needed to be done, i appreciate your feedback!

I have just updated the icon! Took me a while to make though :sweat_smile:

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Looks ok, I don’t know what it is but the webs don’t look natural and also the lighting of Spider-Man is quite dark, that’s all and it’s very good for not having that much artistic experience!

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Hi, thanks for your reply! I forgot to post a new icon that I made for the game:

As for the webs, I had to draw them by hands so it’s really hard for me to blend in with the lighting.

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