Feedback on my Game Icon

Hey everyone !
A few months ago, I made a icon for my game: Feedback on my Game Icon
Yeah… That sounds bad.

I decided this time to make it in Canva because it’s much easier:

What do you think ?
Does it make you want to play my game?

The screenshots really come from my game
However I used free models for building…


It looks somewhat chaotic, but in an interesting way. I’d probably fill in that part where the background cuts out, so it doesn’t look like you’re looking inside a block.

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Thanks you for your feedback !
Yeah maybe it’s a little weird in the borders between the images
I basically don’t wanted to make any separation
It’s somewhat “clean” like that

The images and shapes don’t fit. You probably should do more of an organized collage of photos.

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I agree with Roblozinko. Icons are relatively small on the screen so you don’t want them to be too busy; rather something easy to digest but still pops out as it will only be a split second the player sees it as they’re scrolling through. Try removing the smaller images, keep the text as it is and try to find a full version of the top screenshot and use it as a background.

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Thanks for your comment !
I think you’re right
Images are pretty small

I recommend using PhotoPea (yes I know that you already used it, but use a tutorial for an icon) if you want a cartoony icon, but the only thing not good about PhotoPea is that it’s a bit complex.

This was my second logo using PhotoPea:


A LOT is happening in the icon and it leaves me a bit confused about whats happening.

I have a star , wings , person being hit by something? , desk with lampost etc

Would simplify a bit.