Feedback on my Game Icon

Hey devs, I’m Lap_124, a french roblox developer.
I need feedback on a new game icon that i made today.
(I’m not really experienced at photopea)
I made a screen cut so there is a little cross in the top-left


It looks a bit empty, you could definitly improve the environment, seing the edge of the map doesn’t make it too cool to look at, and you could choose a color pallet instead of making it all colorful.

Hope i helped you a bit.

yeah maybe i should take a screenshot of a better place…

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It looks cool you should make it where yiu can’t see the edge of the map and also add a few more things as it looks empty.

what can i add in my game icon ?

I would add more things about your game. The sky looks empty so I would suggest changing the sky up so its not empty.

ah yeah !
It’s a little game that i use to improve my scripting level so i forgot to put a sky

Maybe make it a little big more convincing? From my perspective, it does not fly well. I feel like putting the “Like and favorite” ruins the vibe of what your going for. This is just what I think.

There a few things I can think of that would improve your icon. First of all, the screenshot is in a very low resolution, I am not sure how you got that image, but I would suggest joining your game and turning your graphics all the way up in the Roblox Settings, using the short cut SHIFT+P to go into free cam mode. Use W+A+S+D to move with the scroll wheel on your mouse to alter your field of view. Once you have taken a screenshot of what you want you can import it into your photo processor. This should give you a high-quality image to work with.

I like the text, a drop shadow or outline might make it pop a bit more. You might also benefit from a border around the edge.

Lastly, I wouldn’t recommend telling people to like and favorite your game, it comes off as a bit cheap, and the “Play now !” makes it seem more like an advertisement than a game icon.

I hope this helps some, and good luck with your icon!

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First of all it doesn’t really look like a logo for the game. The background is blury and you also have put it on a baseplate and it’s just a square. The " Play now!/Like and favorite! " should not be in a logo. The text is okay, even tho it should be more fancy. Also if you want to showcase some of the game in the logo make sure that what you show has high quality and then you can give it a blur so the game name has more attention. Good luck man!

Personally I think its not too bad. It looks cool but you could add a couple more features on the icon but stuff that relates to your game in a kind of way that fits. Also one other thing, the 'Play Now and Like and Favorite text does block the chair and desk a bit and does seem a bit more of an advertisment rather than game icon but anyways good job! :+1:

I was having no idea so i put Like and favorite and things like that

And I dont know how to make a correct shadow