Feedback On My Game?

Hey Dev Forum!

I’m looking for feedback or Ideas on my game called “Perilous Vision”.


Perilous Vision

Please try to keep this feedback as kind and constructive as you can. (I’m a new developer)

Ps. This game is not finished


I like the idea of the game, needing you switch between states in order to continue further up. The map is decently build and doesn’t have much things to be worked upon. The animations look good and are fitting in this game. However, there are some issues regarding in this game:

  • It is really inconsistent which part is removed from a night vision toggle and which not. Try hinting out which part would get removed when night vision toggle is set to off.
  • Even though the progress is relatively linear, try not to keep each obstacles too spaced out (noticable at around 50 meters)
  • It would be better if in a non-night vision toggle to let the player still see an outline where the night vision parts are located at. It leads to some blind jumps.

Besides that, the game is good and has some good potential in it.

I played for a while.

At first I couldn’t get anywhere. So, I bought a balloon.

It helped, but it is difficult to know the path to take.

Some maybe make it more of a path kind of thing instead of a large open place.

I also notice that when Shpongle stopped on my tunes, the game got boring.

So, maybe add some chill music. I was listening to Hammock Therapy. It went well wiith game.

I would suggest making it a path and adding lots of little things to collect along the way.

Maybe, all the things add up to something needed to cross to a higher level.

Keep creating!

It only has 0 players right now, except me and that other guy, but it definitely seems like a game that would be popular.
I’m leaving this picture here to prove that I’m right when it becomes popular

Some other stuff I wanna say though, the night vision sound is a bit irritating, especially because it’s so loud compared to the other sounds in the game.

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I had no idea what to do for the first 2 minutes, until I found that NPC. The night vision took a bit of time to get used to, Please add more checkpoints!!, I’m sure most players will ragequit after getting really far and then dieing.

made it to the 122m point and i cant see anyway across the gap so if there is a way maybe make it more obvious

Thanks For The Feedback! I would like to note that there is music/ambience in the game it’s just quite soft.

Sorry About the gap. Like I said this game is not completely finished and I seemed to have overlooked that part so Thanks!

This game is inspired by altitorture and Steep steps, my first idea was to have no checkpoints but I decided to take more inspiration from steep steps and add a checkpoint every 100m or so.

I will try that, Thanks for the feedback!

good game, enjoyable


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I went back and turned my in-game volume to max.

It sounded a bit like music was playing, but I could hardly hear it.

Crank up the tunes!

Offer some cool tracks.

And, make sound LocalScript so players can adjust the volume of music vs other sounds in the game.

Night vision?

Are we playing the same game?

Where did you see Night Vision.

I only found a balloon.

You press R to activate it, that is the main gimmick of that game


Now it is TOTALLY different game!

Where did he say to push R?

Never, I just found it out by mashing my keyboard keys and narrowing it down what button it is

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If not for @yoshicoolTV I would have never figured out how to play.

It is a totally different game now!

You DEFINITELY need to tell people to press R.

Thanks @yoshicoolTV !

Also btw you can ask the npc how to play.

Thanks, all feedback any way helps!

Yes perhaps more checkpoints at the beginning and lesser checkpoints as you progress towards the end.

I like the concept of the game, I played it on mobile. I’d say just make the night vision button taller vertically or bigger because I missed a few jumps missing the button. (Or Perhaps just skill issue lol)