Feedback on my games main menu

Hey hey, so I’m currently working on a story game and I would like my main menu to be really nice.
So if you have any improvement ideas, write them in the comments.
I also want to note that the actual game that you can join in is NOT the topic of this thread because its well not finished at all yet.
Anyway, here is the game:

(Probably going to close the game sooner or later again)

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Can you please send screenshots of your menu UI? Not everybody wants to hop on roblox and play your game just to see it.


Wouldn’t really be possible, the upload limit probably wouldn’t allow me posting a video of the menu. And it’s not the same feeling with screenshots you know.

There is no upload limit. You can upload videos and screenshots without any problems.
I don’t get your point of “it’s not the same feeling”

There is an upload limit it’s 10mb, and it’s obviously a different feeling watching a gameplay and playing the game yourself

Seriously, are you dumb? Why would I promote a game that is not even finished at all yet and that I’m not even really going to monetize (it’s still a single player story game).
I also gave you enough reason why I’m not going to upload any vids or pics.
It’s really embarrassing to start a dumb as hell discussion over something like that.

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I don’t know man I don’t actually want to hop on Roblox just to see some UI. But I’ll see it later probably to give you my gamer opinion.


Here’s a video of the main menu: (@AlexPalex178 )

Anywho, I think it overall looks nice. There are sound effects and other ways of telling the player what they are hovering over and/or clicking. The transitions to other screens are too slow imo, especially the save files one when you click ‘create’.

Games on Roblox need to let players get into the fun quickly. Having slow transitions or too many buttons before getting into the game will make some players leave. I appreciate your options menu (the subtitles specifically), but I did notice no audio sliders.

The leave game button works, but I personally don’t like the Kick message. It is redundant. Having something like “thanks for playing” would suffice. Those who know Alt + F4 exists likely would use that instead already, and those who don’t know, well, they’ve already been kicked from the game. Additionally, an “Are you sure?” screen is good UX imo for a “Leave Game” button. Maybe someone clicks it on accident. :person_shrugging:

Also, I noticed that when turning on ReducedMotion, the camera did not reduce. Most either don’t know this exists or don’t implement it, but here’s the link for that info:


Hey, thanks for the feedback. I will look into the Reduce Motion stuff because it’s actually the first time I heard about it. I Appreciate it.

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Seems like YOU need to be more respectful, nobody forced you to read or even reply on this topic. You literally dont have to give feedback if you dont want to

I think it looks good, i like how you can kinda move the camera around. I did notice the guy in the chair was a but glitchy, i alsl think the lighting can be improved.

As for the UI i think it looks good but can maybe use some text stroke or like boldness for the text cause it sometimes looks a bit small. Overall good, yet simple.

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Looks nice but I don’t like the rig keeps moving every time you hover over an button.

1:28 I don’t think the UI(the background) fits the buttons from the main menu, you should keep the same theme on the hole UI.

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Thanks for the feedback @Foxstream52 and @HijackedSystem I will look into changing some stuff you guys recommend (when I’m back home), thanks.

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Finally got around to update it a bit, thanks for the feedback

(gonna close the game on monday again)