Feedback on my In-Flight Entertainment System please!

I created an IFES an while back, and I was wondering what your thoughts are on it! The Admin Panel isn’t publicly available, and that is why you can’t open the page when you click the Icon, but you can view it in the Video.
Game: In Flight Entertainment System | Tester Game - Roblox
YT Showcase: In-Flight Entertainment Showcase Video | ROBLOX Creation - YouTube

Constructive Criticism would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, AridOats.


It’s cool, I like the instructiveness of the IFE, it works well. The thing I would work on is the overall design, the UI (no offense) is a bit bland being all grey and white. Try using different colors and using cool UI designs. Also when you try to minimize the IFE it just stays in the middle, I recommend having it go somewhere to the side.

Overall it’s a great start! Just work on the aesthetics more.

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