Feedback on my intro

Hey everyone, I made this intro for my youtube channel and im looking for some feedback on it.

Im not finished editing, ill be adding more, im looking for feedback on the actual animation itself


I feel like the animation is a bit stiff in slow. Animations need a lot of movement and background noise to feel alive. Over all it’s pretty nice.


Looks like a nice intro. Could you add other carts on the rollercoaster, not just a single one?


I definitley could but itll take a bit more animating lol and I have no other avatars to add, still a good idea though as there is no single carts on a rollercoaster


Yea I agree with this, it great but it is an rollercoaster, those things aren’t slow normally :wink:


I don’t get it. There is not much too it. I guess it looks okay. Also is this music not copyrighted, I don’t think the platform needs more copyright music.


oh at the start i thought (from my experiences) that when u get to the drop it slows down and stops for a second lol, but thanks for your feedback!

Could you describe what could make it better though lol, also wdym which platform doesnt need copyrighted music


You should add more context to the video. Currently, it’s just a rollercoaster cart driving with some music.
Show more about your game! Make sure to get people’s attention!

Last thing, I would strongly recommend you to not use copyrighted music. You will get a claim for that on YouTube, which results in advertisements placed in your video or a geo-block (which makes people from different countries unable to watch your video).

You’re posting this on the Roblox Developer Forum, so I assume that this video of made for one of your games.

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on it isnt for a game lol, i posted it on devforum because its a roblox animation, should i take it down though?

Looks good, but the wheel interacts weirdly with the track at some points in the animation. Good job though!

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Very nice intro, nice animation and everything!

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Maybe have the rollercoaster speed up as it goes down the track.

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well, one thing i noticed is that there is a chain on the part of the rollercoaster where it goes down. and looking at how rollercoasters work that would physically be impossible.

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I think its pretty good, just not “Lively”. Its also kinda stiff and slow like someone said. I know roller coasters stop right before they go down, but maybe having the camera start from behind the roller coaster and then come to the front right before they go down would add more motion, add more carts to the roller coaster, make the people in carts move maybe? Put there hands in the air, shake there heads. Also the Cart does interact weird with the tracks, but i know nothing about animation its probably really hard. I think its good, maybe could just be cleaner and as I said more lively.

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Look’s really good! The only problem I have with it is that the animation should probably go faster and be a bit shorter. I do not recommend having intros over 8 seconds for YouTube.

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It looks good, but the lighting is very boring. Maybe you could tweak the lighting to be more dynamic with more shadows?


The concept is very good, outstanding. If the rollercoaster wasn’t so slow and stopping every so often and maybe went a around a loop before the bubble transition happened I think it would be 10x better.

Hope this helps.

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Too stiff and slow. Also once it actually starts to speed up the video cuts very awkwardly.

Pretty good other then that thought. Nice work.

Not sure why it responded to myself


The animation is a little slow and I don’t think an intro would be good especially if it was that long. Other than that, it’s a pretty good intro

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