FeedBack On My New GFX

Hey, Guys, It’s me Pikachuraya, and I’ve come up with a few other gfx’s I made today! I want you to give me feedback tips and tricks if you’re experienced. Overall I want you to give me nice feedack. Thank you


Nice! I’d rate them 8 or 9 of 10

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The GFX is very good, however according to Global Rule 7.2, asking for a rating (e.g. X out of 10) is considered spam. Asking for feedback is fine though.


Oh sorry I did not know that. Thanks for telling me! I appreciate it

Both of them look really good! But the first one looks similar to the first one here.

Both graphic designs look great. I like them. Great work! :+1:

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Yes you are right! I actually based it off that one because My creativity Is kinda bad lol. But else thanks for leaving a review

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Looks Very Epic! I wish i could do GFX lol.

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Thank you so much! I am sure you will be able to make gfx as good or better than mine its all about determination really :smiley:

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Great job! :smile: :coefficients:
I really like the concepts on your new GFX’s, it feels like they could be thumbnails from popular games, but then I found out you based it off an existing gfx :no_mouth:

(I thought you were basing them off well known games and your gfx’s were original)

Don’t worry, that’s not actually bad if you plan to grow bigger on experience and inspiration before you make your own concepts, I don’t blame you. :+1:

:red_circle: But some things still feel a bit off on the gfx’s…

For example:

  • The particles from the first picture look somewhat like blood and water.
  • The lamborghini’s wheel on the second picture kinda clips with the model.
  • The lamborghini model feels ripped-off from Jailbreak

Apart from that, I find the gfx’s very decent and solid in quality, nice work! :smiley: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thansk for the review and the tips!! I really appreciate your help. And Yes I did base it off a gfx . My creativity was lacking.