Feedback on my new sidewalk creation

What do you guys think of my sidewalk creation?


I like how the pavement’s pebbles are 3D. It reminds me of how MeepCity makes stuff, presumably rendered in Blender.


Thank you! Meep City and Adopt me is where I got my inspiration to build a low-poly game

  1. Well this is really good. Better than anything I could ever make
  2. I forsee this as a game that would prob become popular.nice job :+1:
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I thank you for your positive feedback good karma will come your way :innocent:

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Amazing job on the sidewalk. It’s really detailed with pebbles on the sidewalk. Keep up the good work and you may have potential to make something!

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it looks too amazing keep it up

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I have never seen a low poly build like this, it is very detailed in the way that you have added pebbles engraved into the path.


Looks really good! I’m intrigued to see what you do in the future.

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Thank you for your feedback I hope you have learned something from this type of build I have lots more coming! I took low poly to a new level

Thank you! I hope that the future holds something good for me I have been building for many years now I have been on Roblox since 2009 I think I had more than enough time to practice now… But I am still learning everyday!

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You must passion for building, and that hard work has payed of! :grin:

Im tryna edit the lighting for my game but for some reason i cant figure out the correct setup/color to put.
Could you please help me out on that?
I want something similar/same as the one u have.

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my discord is 32k#9388

30 characters

Step 1 …

Step 2…

Hey Developer!

First of all, I love how more and more developers get inspired by other games these days, this is how we all work together. Developers make games together, inspire others, and more
games are being created. Fascinating, clever and helpful.

Back to the sidewalk.

I really like the cartoony vibe you get, when you imagine walking on that sidewalk, the fence in the background is nice as well, the trees well modeled, and the house in the foreground also really well made, what can I say, good job.

If you wanna add more detail and switch the ‘‘topic’’ a little bit. Make different kinds of houses, if you get what I mean. Color the houses differently, try different shapes, sizes, etc.


I must say, it’s a small detail but it makes the pathway stand out from most games of a low poly style.
It definitely fits with the rest of the area from what I see in the image and gives your game a more vibrant feel.