Feedback On My Project

Hello there
I would like to recieve feedbacks and criticisms about my round-base obby game. Been working on it about a month now, and don’t hold back anything as I am trying to make this my own style obby.

Also please point out if anything need to be fix.


Again, what Engy said, very good. Builds for parkour could be refined a bit though. I find myself dropping off the ledge at the beginning, and failing some jumps due to the structure, which I’m not sure is intentional or not. There are also some grammar mistakes in your death messages. Otherwise, this looks like a borderline revolutionary game.


At first glance, the game is interesting . The design is friendly . The music is also good . The game is well done !

I would like to advise you to place the screen buttons in a more convenient place . I have to " catch’ the joystick to move around (I have an iphone Se phone and it has a small display )


Continue to develop the project !


I do quite like it, but, it feels like a game from 2015. Make the all the text pop, and the obbies more ‘modern’.

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It’s pretty good dude, keep up the work.

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Like @Deezater said, the Gui’s should be moved.
And also I tested it. The building wasn’t AS good.
I can help with building though if you need help.

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Thanks yall’ for the feedbacks, as I try to at least do a couple of changes here and there when I have school in the background.

I tested the game. It was very good! I would recommend adding the ability for players to sprint and maybe make the moving parts go a little faster. Overall it was very good.

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Ok guys! I have updated the game and would like to recieve feedback on the 20 quotes from my death screen. Please if anyone is on mobile to test my new stamina and reply back if it’s not working.

there will be more updates later on

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The game is pretty cool but there are some bugs where when I touch the lava sometimes it doesn’t kill you and sometimes it does, The lobby is pretty ugly there’s a bunch of contrasting colors like the mustard yellow outline of the server time and the weird floor design, the VIP area is pretty ugly too I think there should be walls maybe lake the lobby a house or something, put some obbys in the basement and maybe some lobby obbys should have rewards at the end of them, also the statue is pretty weird, but other than that I really really like the game ill definitely be playing it

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Its good but hard, And the VIP door doesnt ask you to buy a pass so 3rd party sales might be disabled

Its not really that hard but the gold map is really really broken