Feedback on my "realistic" car suspension

Howdy! I’ve been trying to work on realistic suspension tunes with A-Chassis since early 2021 and I want your opinion on it. It’s been rough trying to set up the suspension considering that there are no sources on how to apply car suspension values like kg/mm to the spring constraints. But if there are, then please do send a link to the source.

Credits to @Third448 for the car model


I actually have a game with the car on it, so check it out if you want to see more of the car suspension’s behavior yourself.
If you think the car doesn’t work, you have to turn on the ignition by pressing CTRL (Cmd if Mac) then switch gears by pressing Q and E.

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It’s crazy how nobody commented on this , I never seen this on a roblox game, you need to turn this into an actual racing game with progression


Don’t make this a free model(if you ever think of doing it), it’s actually pretty cool and you can profit a lot off of it

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I’ve been thinking of making an open-world driving game lately like Jalopy and Motor Town with a diverse map like Forza’s. But I’m not sure how I’m gonna be able to make such a map considering that bigger maps can cause performance issues.

It depends on how many parts and unions you use, unions are really laggy so mainly use parts and meshes

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I worked on a game named randomizer and I made a map for them , then a few months later I decided to remake it , I made so many unions that my remake got declined because the map was so laggy lol

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That’s what I thought as well, I’ve been thinking of using meshes on everything to reduce part count, but tri count can also be a performance issue too.

Since it’s a racing game you’re gonna of course have some performance issues on some devices , there’s really nothing you can do to optimize it

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fair enough, there’s no escape from that.

remember , it’s the roblox engine , what do you expect lolol

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Using meshes will affect performance less than unions and part count. Unions are highly unoptimized.

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I’m glad to know that meshes won’t affect performance more than union and part count because I find it hard to build in Roblox smh.

This looks incredible? Do you mind helping me make something like this? @Gam3r_Play3r

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It’s all about tuning a constraint chassis.

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I have no idea how you all do this or how you have the time to but this is fantastic. It’s honestly very surreal how satisfying it is.

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and putting the gravity in the realistic preset.

Looks great!

Keep up the great work! :slight_smile:

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Wow, that suspension looks amazing. Personally, I love springs and suspension. I’d -1 for the choice of “A-chassis”, but you definitely made it work! Didn’t know it was that configurable.

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You’ve been blinded by the number of games that use a-chassis that don’t put much work into the chassis suspension, performance, bug fixing, etc. lol, so I understand the -1 for that choice.