Feedback on my revised tower

Hey there, I had created a tower a month ago that I just wasn’t satisfied with. In the month since, I improved on my building skills tremendously. I will show you the before tower and the revised tower.

Before Tower

Revised Tower

Revised Tower in its scene


I took a lot of screenshots, I know.

I would prefer feedback framed like this:

  • What is one thing you liked?
  • What is something that could be improved?
  • How can I implement this?

Thank you!


This is pretty awesome

I espescially liked the lighting and shape of the tower

I don’t think there’s much to improve, ngl

This can probably be used in a futuristic city or something

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Thank you for your feedback! The city I am creating is set about 20 years in the future, so I am glad it looks futuristic. I used beams to help liven up my build for the first time, so it was fun learning those.

Using a 3D mesh instead of the image now.

Totally not just bumping this for more feedback.

Insanely cool build. The old pales in comparison. I really like the whole futuristic theme of the city as well. Reminds me of Tron.


I think the spotlights would be 10 times cooler if they made huge spots of light on the building at night. This might take a little bit of work though because roblox spotlights only go so far :rofl:

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Love the style of the build and I love the futuristic builds ngl.

One thing to note though try add an improved spotlight by using Roblox’s spotlights(which is quite difficult) just like what @JamminRedPandaMan has suggested.


Thank you for the feedback! A way I think I can do this is with a cylinder that’s maybe 0.5 transparent. I’ll show you one of them like this in just a second.

Hmm… @JamminRedPandaMan @exp_lol123 the only issue I’m seeing is that the color is different behind the beam.

From far away, though, it is nearly impossible to notice the difference in color. People won’t be making their way up high, so I think this will work. Thank you for the feedback!

I would use spot light instances if I were you.

This looks really good apart from the lights. You could put invisible parts with PointLights where the light would hit the building on it instead of using beams.

I hope you can understand this crude drawing of what I am talking about.

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  • Love the detail
  • I feel like the city blends into it self too much and the neon white gets a bit repetitive
  • add some variation, some unlit windows would do the trick
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Thanks for the feedback! Sorry I’m getting back to you so late, I’ve been away. The only issue with this is that the lighting doesn’t render it from the ground. I know exactly what you’re saying, though.

Thanks for the feedback! I have been thinking about going back and changing this on all of the buildings. I also kind of like having it brighter, though. Still kind of debating it.