Feedback on my Sword I Made

Hello developers!

Last week I made some sword fully built in Roblox Studio and I would like to have some feedback on them! All feedback is appreciated.

Red Sword



Blue Sword



Green Sword



If you want to see them in-game, then feel free to visit this place to see them:

Note: I am aware that they’re bigger than a roblox character.

Have a great day!


Tbh, that’s really good! Especially those neon lights.

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I like it, It’s giving me starwars vibes lol.

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They don’t look like swords. At all. They look like broken sabers. The plastic white doesn’t fit down at the bottom, overall, they don’t look that good.

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Hey, @ImTheBuildGuy!

Thanks for the feedback! I didn’t really know what to call them so I just called them swords because they’re mostly used the same way swords are used. Also, I do admit that the plastic white grip doesn’t fit so I’ll change it soon. Thanks for pointing these out, I will be sure to use your feedback!

Have a good day!

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Hello @IntrepidDude! These swords aren’t bad! I do suggest adding some angles/curves to your build though, it looks a bit blocky as of now. A few cylinders and wedges should fix that though! Other than that, keep up the good work friend!

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They are not bad. They are amazing!

You probably don’t agree with some of his style and maybe what he put in the desc.

@IntrepidDude You should probably change the hilt’s extending thingies to 2 because right now 4 looks like a bit too much.

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You can also make the blade part a bit thinner because right now they are just blocks

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i would give 5/10, the bad part is they are like some neon decoration stick, not a sword. The good part is I like how you made this detailed.

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i think that if you remove the outstanding things it should look like a sword

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