Feedback on my turret model

I’m currently working on a new FPS game and I’m aiming to create a turret which players will be able to place down and have it automatically shoot at enemies. The turret will turn to face enemies and fire bullets from the 2 barrels on either side of the gun.

I don’t have much experience with modelling and I haven’t modeled many machines or weaponry before so I’m looking for feedback on how the design can be improved. Below are some screenshots from the model in studio (the red metal will change based on the team color):

I’m aware it’s not the best model but any feedback would be appreciated :slight_smile:


A video of it (mostly) working in game if anyone is interested:

A part did fall off as it wasn’t anchored and bullets don’t shoot from it yet but it mostly works.


If youre not making a walking turret then I dont think the leg make sense, try to make the bottom part a simple stand with wires and screws then youre good!

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Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile: I’ve taken it into account and made some changes. Do you think that this looks better?


Nice model, looks like a Boston Dynamics robot! :+1::+1:

Looks very good!

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