Feedback on my Village (Continued W.I.P #2)

I have come a long way with my village, especially considering how busy I am. I’m just a scripter looking for feedback on the progress of my game lobby. This was the first for me in a lot of areas; UI designing, serious building, animations, etc.

First post about the village: Feedback on my Village (W.I.P) - #3 by watergunpopp
Second post about the village: Feedback on my Village (Continued W.I.P) - #9 by SocialBerry

Things that don’t work inside the game as of now;

  1. None of the buttons have been scripted as of now, but soon I plan to.
  2. The market inside the lobby does not function either, but I plan to fix this soon too.

Things I’m planning to implement;

  1. Removing default tool bar and using the custom menu I made (shown on the bottom left in-game)
  2. Ranged Weapons, Potions, Special Abilities.
  3. Music / Sound Design
  4. Showing Level in the area where your level is supposed to be shown.
  5. Any good suggestions.
  6. And Much More!

When replying please leave any suggestions or feedback! Keep In Mind this is just a LOBBY.

I’ve left a few rigs in the workspace for you guys to test the damage/range with the weapons. I’ve also turned on friendly fire just in case you run out of rigs to attack :slight_smile:
I quickly created a border as well so the boundaries are a little narrow for now.

Here is the game link: Leveling Hero! Personal - Roblox

Thank you for reading this post! Have a wonderful day (or night) !


I have played your game I like it.
I like the atmosphere the game gives.
Keep it up. :slight_smile:

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Looking really cool, few bugs tho.

  1. the custom loading screen is too short there’s a weird gap at the top.
    2.Something is randomly hitting me???
    3.Turn climbing off, it makes interacting with the scenery awkward, if you want to use ladders just turn it back on when you touch the ladder.
    4.I think you want to speed up your attack animations.

Part from that things are looking really good :smiley:

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I purposefully added damage every 20 seconds because I was testing the health bar. Sorry about that :sweat_smile: Thanks for the feedback!

haha, XD
No Problem :smiley:
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