Feedback on new insert tool simular to the old ones (83% Finished)

Ever since Roblox Insert Tools and alternative methods of inserting such as Robuyasu’s Insert Cloud Module Insert Cloud Module (An Insert Service Alternative) has been removed I have been trying to make an insert tool Simular to the old ones that is better with more features and has support for something I remade myself that Roblox removed that is called Sets.

Old insert tool UI (3)


Roblox Sets “Parts” and “Models” List Has Been Completed

EDIT: I have decided to make the Insert tool open source for anyone to use once its fully finished. I may occasionally ask for help to find an alternative to Robuyasu’s Insert Cloud Module and make settings for the tool such as sandboxing to prevent viruses and all that free model stuff we dont want.

New UI via Roblox Studio

New insert tool live via my game Personal Build Server PBS Building - Roblox (ignore weird offset as im still trying to figure out how to scale for all devices properly)

Special Thanks To
roproxy for hosting my inventory system that will allow me to access the user inventory
myself for making it

I hope you enjoyed this and please send feedback on ways I can improve the tool!


If anyone can find an alternative to Robuyasu’s Insert Cloud Module I would be more than grateful and could give an early preview to the tool. (EDIT: I have still yet not found one but found HTTP alternatives for video, audio and decals. I am currently developing a binary decompiler that will decompile RBXM models into a table that I can turn into a model by using the table as construction information)

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