I have created an open sourced alternative to Insert Service. This version allows you to insert any roblox asset, including models you do not own as long as they are uncopylocked. Using this, I also made my own Insert Wars game, called Insert Wars Remade.
You will need to set up the web server for this to work.
As you may know, Insert Service does not allow loading assets the owner does not own. However, I bypassed this issue by setting up a web server that downloads the RBXM file of the model and parses that into JSON. The JSON is then compiled into a roblox model by the lua module.
It has one additional step to loading an asset, which is the CompileAsset function. This function makes the model “complete” unlike InsertService. CompileAsset ungroups the model, and enables the scripts. The function also returns the instances in the inserted model. After using LoadAsset, you should use CompileAsset.
local InsertCloud = require(2988483384) -- Loads the library in
Key = 'APIKEY' -- API Key for your web server.
URL = 'https://appname.herokuapp.com/assets/' -- The URL to the application, should include /assets/
local Model = InsertCloud:LoadAsset(URL, Key, 110954786) -- Loads the model in
local NewModel = InsertCloud:CompileAsset(Model, workspace) -- Adds "finishing touches" to the model by ungrouping the model and enabling the scripts.
The module comes with sandboxing built in. It will sandbox the scripts the model inserts, which helps ensure safety when inserting anonymous models, and can help block out malicious code.
If you would like to disable sandboxing or change a few settings, you can edit the _Settings variable in the MainModule.
An example of the usages for Insert Cloud, on Insert Wars Remade: