Feedback on ocean water

i’m working on some water using perlin noise (with editable mesh help from Gerstner Wave Module)

this does look a tiny bit bland at the moment. are there any different noise algorithms or different styles or ideas i could use to spice this water up a little bit?


looks absolutely amazing, would this ever be open sourced?

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Probably not, but a lot of the visual resources I got came from the post mentioned in my main message.

If you take a look at a code sample from the creator’s wave example, you can see how they initialized the editable mesh.

For the waves, I just used three Perlin noise channels and determined the x values to be the current timestamp in milliseconds.

For the material of the water, I made a material variant with a pitch black metalness map and a pitch black roughness map.

I hope that helps!

Note: I did not use the Gerstner wave module, just the editablemesh initializer that was a part of it


thanks that really helps. also i just realised your the guy who made flightpoint so good luck on that :+1:

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Looks great! I’m also working on rendering water using editable meshes. I applied the metalness and roughness map to a SurfaceAppearance object, but it’s causing a weird glitch.

EDIT: Restarted Studio. Working fine, graphics just taking a little time a load.

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looks amazing! show me once you’ve fully added that to your game.

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I didn’t know this was possible to implement until today! I’m leaving with some great information, thank you!

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This ocean water looks VERY GOOD AND REALISTIC! GOOD JOB ON IT! How long did it take to make? This water is INSANELY good! This is cool that you created it!

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thank you very much! it did not take me much time to make it, since most of the effort would have gone into initializing the editablemesh.

there are zero textures, just a black roughness map and metalness map, and some layered noise does the rest!

Looks great! You could try adding smaller waves to the water.

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This looks amazing, i really like the lighting too!

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