Me and my brother have been building a fishing game for the past few months. We are at a point where the game mechanics are implemented. However we need some feedback on how intuitive the game feels.
Some questions that would be great if you can answer:
Do you feel lost?
Do you prefer the world open or do you think a more linear approach would be better?
Do you think the fishing mechanic is difficult or unintuitive?
Can you see the fish easily? Do you think it should be easier? (we believe it might break game immersion)
Do you believe that the day-night cycle adds immersion or do you think it is annoying?
Are the gui buttons intuitive or do they confuse you?
Do you like the look of the island?
Anything you can answer from this list would be great.
Also we would like to ask a couple more questions:
What would you suggest adding (mechanics, vendors, content, etc)?
What do you like the most from the existing content?
I was going to review this but I must ask about who Daronion. Is this the other creator or is he really “a helper NPC”. I’m kinda confused by this. Lovely map though.
I’ll do more of a proper review later. It kinda threw me off with him, I only could think if you guys made a bot that well / 3rd party or if it’s a human acting like a bot.
I haven’t gotten much farther than joining in to the game yet.
And the first thing I see if this:
Chat right over the UI. You may want to move the UI somewhere else, either down the screen and on the side (since it’s a lot of free real estate) in in the top middle.