Hello guys! Just a quick simple post, wanted to know if you guys liked the design that I developed for my upcoming project OpenRoblox. If you have any suggestion on how to improve it please don’t hesitate to reply. Also I’m not an UI Designer! Without further ado, here it is.
Starting to make the Marketplace pages, this is the first one with the template of what an NFT will look like when searched or in the main page. Still editing it, maybe add some filters?
It looks good but I hate it because NFT’s. This game really shouldn’t be on Roblox. I do know that this probably isn’t actual NFT’s but I still don’t think it’s a good practice to even advertise them on a platform for kids. NFT’s are just a simple scam, most of them don’t even look good and they’re just doing more harm then good. I do like the design as said before. But the game is just bad because it’s about NFT’s.
Is this considered a “game”? It looks good as UI,very slick and clean,however I do have concerns on how this NFT project works.Do the tokens have any sort of utility? Like accessing a unique game or an item in a a game? Sounds really strange of a concept,overall good job on the UI design.
As I seen a bit of confusion lemme make this clear. This isn’t some NFT game in which I give you a currency and you must belive it’s value, it’s currency and rates are built by players, they choose a gamepass of their own or asset and if the asset is sold they earn their part. It’s a good introduction for lower age audience to this type of stuff, cryptos and other things like that. The currency and the wealth is bult by players, consider this as a donation game, but with a reason to donate. Like, limiteds… just a bit more player controlled. Create or buy an NFT, peoples like it? They buy it and hope that someone will buy it after them so they can earn money. Did I say that it dosen’t have to be an image, it could be a model, script, everything.
So PLS DONATE is gonna get banned? I’m not asking to gamble, it’s a sort of a donation game. So the rule you menitioned is not good enoguh to get my game banned. Also if it was for that PLS STEAL would been already banned. Wait so, every crypto investor is a gambler?
That was a joke, I think you don’t understand what you are saying. A crypto investor isn’t like a gambling man, a gambler is a person who utilizes their money in things they do not know if are gonna succeed or not, and when I say they dont know, they really dont know. A crypto investor in the other hand is a person who studies the market and utilizes their skills to improve their life. So answering to your “not very true” answer, NO nfts aren’t gambling, NO crypto investors are gamblers. With that said I hope you do some research before cooming here and say things that you don’t even know.
Yea, but that’s not even close to gambling. I think you can understand that? Also users in my game are not forced to buy or to gamble anything, they are encourged to play the game as they want, they take the risk, they are buying a digital item of a person, like PLS DONATE and similar games. Wait so, Lootboxes in FPS Games or skins in tycoons should be banned because they have a chance? Don’t think so.
As you said yourself, they only get a chance of making the profit, it is against TOS to give robux in return for a chance to get more robux, that is gambling.
Well, that’s how PLS DONATE works, so why isn’t it banned? The players get a chance of winning or not, there are many peoples who do “Dobule or nothing” or things like that, so?
PLS DONATE is a game about donations, you do not give people money in order for a chance to get money, people donate for the sake of being nice, they don’t expect a chance of robux in return for donating, do they?
They do, there are players who open casinos, things like that, also even this is considered as a donation, i explitly told before that buying an NFT is considered as a donation to the player who created it. They even had a spinning wheel in their shop.
New page! I’ve been working on some new stuff, and I got the basic system working, you can create an NFT and you pay 10 robux to do that, then you can se a gamepass of your which can be bought by other players to own the item and set their own gamepass, this can sound a little confusing but once I release the game it wont, I promise
It’s quite amazing how much negative feedback this is getting.
Your UI is pretty good, but the fact that you are basing it off of an NFT site, which I wouldn’t personally associate a games user interface with, and the fact your game has gambling (games like pls steal are fine because it works in a slightly different way).
Again, no one said that my game has gambling, players don’t gamble, buying an NFT is considered a donation or support to the person artwork, model, etc… So no gamble involved,
Completely ignoring what the game will be about, it looks really clean and cool!
I wonder if you are going to add dark mode settings
I will definitely check this game out when it’s released