Feedback Parallelized engineers (pre beta release)

your feedback on our game [play button parallel]

Hi there my name is @ParallelismTheme I’m the manager of unviere I’m also the medium so in this topic you can give feedback on the game we update this treat with new content so you can give feedback we also announce the beta release here soon so set this topic on watching so you don’t miss anything

Our staff will reply here with items you can give feedback to

For now our game is open for beta testers only you can sign in by sending us a DM here or on our site
But we send screenshots for now also if the open beta test are you can join self

topics to give your feedback for (newest on top)
Ui system v4
old topics for feedback


we have a open beta test soon for the story and ui 2024-07-27T22:00:00Z2024-08-30T22:00:00Z

top feedback

textplay button parallel
Byunv game space ©unviere and who have made the asset you don’t have the rights to redistribute any of the assets

Topic created with help from @foodeggs7
Ui by @foodeggs7 and @0Shank
Scripts by @0Shank and @foodeggs7
Blender Models by @syndicate292
Builds by @frad6575
Group manager @ParallelismTheme
1 Like
gap gap gap

final ui showcase parallelized engineers (it’s just placeholders)

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So I worked hard on our new system it needs to be scripted and some things are not yet implemented they won’t by the first beta release but it’s just scripting what needs and I used you guys feedback also the player get alot of customisation

main menu
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main menu

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This is the main menu however it’s kind of broken by respawning but here you can see the credits you can choose your game mode and teleport to unlocked dimensions also you can leave trough here

credits page (not filed in)
leave prompt
kick massage is core Gui but the background

Your rating
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0 voters

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gap gap gap

You can join a party and as owner you can customise it you can own 1 party join 2 parties and join 1 unviere party it have a special valeurs you get if you buy merch it is the same amount of the group funds and we track what be spent and that amount we may transfer to our account

home page parties in the current server
your current selected party to use
scroll down member list and stats
customize your party start n/a
:unlock:customize party logo with parts :lock: for pro (subscription) users a marketplace image
:lock:change name for pro users
tags make your party easier to find
privacy settings
event settings mountly tournamens etc


Your rating for party ui
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0 voters

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gap gap gap
Also Check out customisation

with the settings can you off course change the game settings overall I added some customization

home page most useful settings
scroll down quickly acces to more settings
ui settings
sound settings
control settings
customization settings chose diferent ui styles


gap gap gap


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So I added options to disable and enable menu items player name health etc it stay on spaces what don’t take space cuz there are navigation elements premium users can disable brand too

you can disable elements
it also shows a hover
premium users can disable brand too

Further more can you choose between different ui styles I made a second ui style currently it works only for the settings frame

the ui style settings in second style
whas inside the dropdowns


How you rate the new style
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  • 10

0 voters

How you rate the settings ui
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  • 10

0 voters

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In the shop you can buy passes subscription and cash for Robux or game valuta you Also can buy decoration and system items things are controlled by is date

shop home page with higligted items
shop higligted pass wall pass
cash shop information
cash shop buy with robux
coin shop buy with cash

The shop is controlled by is date


How you rate the shop
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0 voters

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gap gap gap

In the more menu you can find the stats level info quests and more

daylay login
daylay login successful collected you bonnus
daylay login error


How do you rate the more menu
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0 voters

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gap gap gap
Also Check out leaderboard

The stats are there so player can see easy Thier level and Heald and some other stats it have a calopase menu for more stats

gap gap gap


gap gap gap

The leaderboard is where you see your stats and from other players you see also Thier

  • Party
  • Party rank
  • Dev rank
    • Developer
    • Admin
    • Owner
  • Roblox rank
    • Star
    • Premium
  • Friends/friends receust
  • Group rank
    • Fan
    • Etc


How do you rate the leaderboard
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  • 10

0 voters


How do you rate the stats ui
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0 voters

left bar
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gap gap gap
Also Check out party chat

I made a quick bar you can switch trough pannels admin and beta the map and the core chat and party chat

party chat
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The party chat is an not yet advenced chat to chat with other party members

other massage
your massage (short) (bottom part)
your massage
other massage for party owner
emotes reactios up to 5 emoticons
editing massage
your masage (short)
deleted massage if it your you can redo it for a amount of time
delete confirmation if you edit your massage you can choose to delete them
prompt where can stay various massages and errors I show you some examples
error you can’t use the word “Roblox not allowed words”
nothing filled in to the text box


How do you rate this party chat
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0 voters


How do you rate this quick bar
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0 voters

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gap gap gap

Some other screen shots

pls give your feedback on the chat Buble and hover ui

polls (some of them don’t work in calopase menu,s)

This Main menu ui is _____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (only vote this if you reply)

0 voters

This party ui is ____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (if so what can be improved)

0 voters

This new styles ui is ____
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (tell me)
  • Good

0 voters

Opinion customization and hide elements ui
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (tell)
  • It makes it good so Player can choose what they want

0 voters

This settings ui is ____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (tell it me)

0 voters

This Shop ui is____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (tell us)

0 voters

This More menu is____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (tell us)

0 voters

This leaderboard ui is____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (tell me)

0 voters

This stats ui is____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (tell me)
  • Is improved from last time

0 voters

This party chat is____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (tell me)

0 voters

This quick bar is____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (tell me)

0 voters

How you rate this ui overall
  • 1
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  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

This ui is overal____
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved (what)
  • Is improved from last time

0 voters

Than as last I have here a video of the ui.

textplay button parallel
Byunv game space ©unviere and who have made the asset you don’t have the rights to redistribute any of the assets

Post created by @foodeggs7
Ui by @foodeggs7
Main menu by @0Shank (prompts and tp menu and credits by @foodeggs7

Im gonna be honest, sorry to be rude but that’s probably one of the worst gui i have seen in a while
i have been seeing your uis on dev forum for quite some time, most people give you advices but it’s often the same thing

ui is just to cramped, too much info at once, and etc, a lot of stuff are inconsistent, the font is pretty bad and that “futuristic” look makes it look like those old games with horrible gui. some parts are stretched making it feel more low quality and stuff. feels pretty mediocre


It looks very overcomplicated and unnecessary im not a perfect ui builder but people would rather have a simple clean gui over one like this. I can see you put a lot of time and effort and i respect that but if i were to join your game see a ui like this i would get a little overwhelmed with all the information in my face at once.