Show off your UI designs

fr need to teach me bro, that’s sick.

Credits Store page for my game, I rendered 2 images, Stack and Explosion of coins to make it more appealing to purchase.


hey im doing something similar! good job on your project

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nice bro is the gun effect a ui UIGradient ? look sick

That and image manipulation looks like

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yeah that’s pretty much it, nothing extra for it

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This looks amazing, have you considered adding a dark mode option via that “Settings” button on the top-right?

For my next project SoloRealism


How does one make an frame blurry? I’m interested on how you achieved it.

He probably used this module or created his own script

Made this for my game, Project: Interstellar.

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update coming soon :hammer_and_wrench: Resurface - Convert surfaces to studs and more


eyup you cooked you’re my new GOAT now

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this is concept ui for a game I plan to make.

Nice and i see you did use Fivem TX theme i think because Fivem Tx has player and other things from that to.


Some are incomplete, but this was a design that’d be used in an RNG game, probably one with auras, if you can figure out how to take it to use it feel free, i dont personally care if anyone copies it.


i made this a couple hours ago to make up for this piece of trash

going to show this page off because i thought it looked cool incase this thread is still active

this is what it looked like before:

the improvement in myself is pretty crazy in the past couple of years alone, still loving doing it and will continue improving (and feedback is always welcome!) this is where i started out in this thread: