Feedback | Pride theme GFX

Pride GFX

Hey! I have just finished my Pride theme GFX for the month of June and I am wondering if there is anything I could improve on regarding more GFX made in the future?

Some of my other work is linked here.


I like the colour splashes around the edges of the picture, I think it adds a nice touch to it. The rainbow gradient on the top text matches the rainbow and I like how the Pride Month below is party on top of the text above it. Only thing I would say is, personally I’d like to use a Roblox background for a Roblox render, as opposed to real life, but that’s just me. Very nice work!

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Very well done! However, I’d personally make the graphic a little more bighter. I believe it should be brighter as Pride’s colours are bright. I would personally remake the render with another character that suits the theme of Pride, this one is dark. In my opinion, this character looks like a black hole inside of a rainbow, which is a bit weird in my opinion. :flushed: I would reduce the opacity of the drop shadows on the text, they’re too visible, and again, in my opinion it should look bright. As for the background, I would consider changing the Hue/Tint/Saturation/Brightness of it, to make it more bright. I assume you are not using a CC (colour correction), I hihgly suggest you do include one. CC’s are somewhat essentials to graphics. Overall, I really love your graphic, especially the brushes. Keep up the great work! :>

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Yeah I had to use them outfits as there was no pride matching clothing on the group.

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This is really nice! Well done

Also happy (early) pride month to my fellow gays and LGBT+ members and supporters.

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Hello! This is amazing. I was just wondering, what editor do you use?

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Photoshop, and for rendering C4D.

I personally believe the clothing on the guy in the middle should be swapped out for something brighter. The dark, emo clothing isn’t really reminiscent of a “Pride theme”.

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It looks really great. I agree that the render may fit in better if it were lighter, maybe a white or grey - but the background and overall affects over it are amazing.

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Yeah I know I could not really find any, since all the clothing on the catalog were botted of the same.
Thanks thogh.

Thanks! Yeah I know I have changed my light room a bit to contain a backlight.

That’s so amazing! It’s so detailed.

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