Filter instance by class - Explorer update

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to search and filter through instances visible in explorer by class.

It would be very useful if the Explorer’s search feature had a feature to filter instances by what class they are.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I am unable to quickly find certain types of instances without memorizing where they are or knowing their exact name. This issue can be especially annoying in places with lots of scripts or when interacting with assets that others have developed, since you dont know their exact setup.


It already does search by classname FYI:


But what you probably want is a way to filter it down further on either class or name, or both at the same time. Currently it just mixes everything together.


Yes that’s what I meant. A way to filter it down further to class only.


Apologies for the bump but like did Roblox remove this feature? I am not sure what I did but for whatever reason it just filters through names excluding stuff like classes.

Like for this dummy which has Motor6D joints doesn’t show up when I type in the name of the class
which is weird and slows down progress when stuff like this is needed. I also don’t really see an obvious way to fix this, and no one seems to be having the same issue as me :man_shrugging:


You can also use c:Motor6D, according to the announcement post they have identical functionality. I just prefer it because it’s shorter :hugs:


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