Filter Request and Bug Report should be linked together

I still don’t know why and bug reports aren’t linked together despite both having the same point, reporting incorrect and bugs in the text filter. There exists a separate channel for typos in docs, why can’t we have the same for text filter?

For example, “Stop” was once filtered in my server name selector !! and I wasn’t able to report it.


Bug reports are public, and text filter requests are not always suitable to be public-facing due to the nature of what they are reporting on. Having an entire bug report and attached private message for each instance of a text filter issue is too much for that process.

We also may not be always able to respond to text filter requests for safety reasons.

That being said, if you have a significant structural issue with text filter that goes beyond single cases, feel free to post that as a bug report. Please make sure to put any samples or other sensitive content in the private message, so that readers cannot easily reproduce if there is a safety impact.


Which team do we message in case of an incorrectly filtered word? Or any techniques (like enclosed-alphabets) that are related to bypassing the filter?

Repeating the same as the above reply but paraphrased in case it helps understand:

Use the bug report form to report classes of issues (not single cases), and put all sensitive instructions and reproduction in the private content of the bug report. (there is a separate box for private content on the bug report form)

Use the form in the linked thread for individual good/bad cases that are not being filtered correctly in your opinion.

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Expect it’s locked to regulars, that’s why I made this thread.

I moved the form link up here: About the Bug Reports category

This deprecates the forum thread you link. Thanks.

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Thank you for doing that! Not sure if I should mark your reply as the solution or not considering it has the updated link and actually solves my issue.


What does this mean btw?

If it doesn’t seem relevant to your issue feel free to skip over it. This form is used from a few places so some of the questions/answers only apply to specific situations.

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This is a pretty cool change. Thing is though, these requests aren’t reviewed, or at least it doesn’t seem like it. The replies in the thread you unlisted show that there hasn’t been any action on these requests for months.

Can you confirm that submissions are still being reviewed, or if not, maybe try and find out why?

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I’ll double-check on this and retire the form if so for clarity.

Going to close this now since the original request (merging the flows) is done.