FilteringEnabled Property is Being Deprecated

I don’t see the part where I complained I just asked a question


It was for client → server replication for objects and properties. Before FE, anything done on the client would replicate to the server (i.e if someone deleted the map, it would be deleted for everyone). It was a property to have your game follow this behaviour. Since FE is now forced enabled on every game by default, the property has no actual use anymore.

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Exactly! I’ve always felt that there is little to no difference between FE on or off, and I don’t think almost any major games don’t use FE. It just helps improve game protection and all that. Who keeps it off?!

Edit: It’s 12 am, I can’t phrase things correctly. It’s basically a free anti-cheat, who doesn’t use it?

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Uh… you realise FE is not optional, right? All games are forced to use it, regardless of what this property has been set to for a long time now, so of course you wouldn’t notice any differences between “enabling” and “disabling” it.
Prior to FE being a thing, exploiters could cause anything to replicate which meant they had a lot of control (bring players, destroy buildings, etc…) The addition of FE basically means that client has no control over most things, and when it does, it’s usually limited.


so basicly it sets stuff to either be client side or server side?

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To an extent, yes. If you, for example, created an object using a local script then only the client that has that local script will see it and the others won’t. Some objects and properties replicate to the server regardless of FE however. For example, you character model replicates, which is why things like speed exploits exist. If something is created/edited by the server then all clients will see it. (as long as it’s not located in ServerStorage or ServerScriptService)

With FE disabled (no longer an option), clients can create objects and edit properties from their local machine and all the players will see the changes. This behaviour basically allowed exploiters to completely ruin a player’s experience in a game their playing because they could edit the skybox, blast bypassed music, etc.

FE gives developers more control over their game’s security.

You can read this for more information: Client-Server Model | Roblox Creator Documentation

Ight, hear me out. Backwards compatibility?

There are many old games on Roblox that broke when FE was forced on for all games.


It’s not for backwards compatibility, original poster said this feature is cannot be disabled:

So there is no point to keeping this checkbox visible.

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To reiterate, the property has done nothing for years. You have not been able to disable FE for years, it has been enabled this whole time even if this property was false. Anything broken has been broken for years. This specific property change breaks effectively nothing. This is not the place to complain about FE being on permanently, that ship has sailed. Please read OP more carefully.

CC @omgcchheeessee @noot20000 @GamebringerDev @DataBrain @metatablecatmaid


Just out of curiosity, does this mean FE will become read-only?

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What with the games that require FilteringEnabled to be disabled?

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FilteringEnabled has been forced enabled since late 2018. No game on Roblox has FE disabled.


Effectively, yeah, but (I think) there’s technically a distinction since setting it won’t error:


To clarify, I support the change. Sorry for being confusing.


It has been technically speaking read-only feature for ages, the only difference is that you cant tick the button in the widget anymore with a script/or yourself, ticking it on or off had 0 effect to the game itself.


It does not really have a purpose today, since filtering enabled has been forced on since the removal of experimental places.

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yup… this is a revolutionary change… can’t wait

According to your join date, you joined Roblox post-Experimental Mode. So I’ll give a short history lesson.
Before some time in 2018, there was an option in Roblox games called Experimental Mode. This mode has a lot of technical and security implications, but put simply it made games much less secure and much more vulnerable to damage by exploiters.
Before you joined Roblox, it was decided that the security issues posed by Experimental Mode were unacceptable and it was disabled permanently for all games. However, the option for Experimental Mode was left behind, even though it no longer functioned.
Now, fast forward several years, they’re finally cleaning up that unused option. It won’t affect any of your work.

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From my memories at one point, they made experimental mode 13+ only. Whats funny is that i was 10 at the time i made my account, and i set my birthdate to like 1994. :laughing:

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It’s surprising it even took this long to be removed