FINALLY THEY HAVE DONE IT (Function Documentation Lua)

Finally roblox studio has finally let us document our code i tried finding people talking about this but looks like im one of the few ones who have actually discovered this hidden feature.

If it does not work for you then you must have the new lua type solver in beta features turned on but im telling you now there is a lot of bugs when using it obviously since it’s only in beta mode.

But i recommend turning it on since this will take over the new lua type solver so that we can do more with our code.

Anyway here is the moment i have been waiting for in years.

Now i found this out by mistake and oh boy im very exited i don’t know why they kept it hidden from us though anyways.

in order to document functions just type a comment on the top of the function you want to document now @param is not a official thing but if someone figures out the @return or @param by mistake then please make sure to tell me about it.

now back to typing.


they are always like that lol but they not wrong this post doesnt belong to community-resources


This was documented in the annoucement of the new type solver, so “Kat” has a reason to go all and beyond


can you give me the link last time i checked it was not about this but about other features.


wow thanks i totally missed that i guess it was the script editor not the type solver who did the trick


Just a note, this would most likely belong in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback ( i mean #development-discussion :skull:)


Why shouldn’t I be rude? Why should I be kind? Doesn’t OP have a brain of their own?


Yes… and so do we because we are human beings too. You’re just being rude.


Who hurt you bro :sob:



First, you spread misinformation about exploits. Now, you spread misinformation about features. When are you gonna stop?


Being rude won’t contribute to the discussion.


exploiting is dead because one of the biggest forums got sold and they cost about 20$ a month

Exploiting is dead most of free executors are bad and don’t have custom functions


The fact that this post is still up, that hurted me.

I think you used the wrong word there.


Now look who’s being rude…

Uh huh.


I’ll be like you.

Why shouldn’t I be rude. Why should I be kind? Does Kat not know to treat others how he wants to be treated?


That breaks the difference between me and you. Kind of contradicting all your previous responses.

Because you’re the one that won’t stop “spreading kindness” on the forum.

It is also a matter of fact that in my original post I wasn’t even being rude. I was just being sarcastic and telling the OP that they are being dumb and not thinking correctly and posting a clear thing that is NOT a resource in the resource category. I hope you can see the issue here.

Oh I do, but one small issue, the people on the forum piss me off every now and then.


Yes, I can see the issue. It’s just ethical to be like, “hey this is a really nice feature you found. maybe move it into development discussion. Thanks!”

Also, I obviously said the exact same thing you said before (which you’ve deleted now after realizing you were wrong) to show what it feels like to be treated the same way.


When you use the forum a lot like me (not that I am chronically attached to it, just looking for scripting support topics) you see a lot of topics in the wrong category and spam. This, pisses you off as why? Why do people not understand some basic stuff? Development Discussion is not suppose to be a place to post spam. (I know this may sound completely different but hear me out.) So after seeing so many development discussion topics, it pisses you off a lot, and when you see a topic like this, it makes you even more mad and causes you to first flag the post and tell the user that they are wrong, but as I am already pretty pissed off, I add some sarcasm to my reply. Then people like you find it “rude”.

Me, deleted my topic because I am wrong? No honey, it’s the stupid forum moderator robinohara1956 deleting my posts. I am not even wrong in the first place so why would I even call myself wrong? I am simply stating a fact that OP is in the wrong and I just added some sarcasm to my reply which you all consider “rude”.


the fact this post is still up proves a lot trust me i ain’t deleting it :joy: :joy: