New Script Editor Hover Tips and User-Defined Function Documentation

Hey Creators!

We’re adding new features to Studio’s Script Editor designed to provide you with enhanced access to essential scripting information. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new!


New Hover Tips

We’ve redesigned the hover tooltip so that it’s consistent with the styling of the other Script Editor menus. Hovering over text in the Script Editor or using the default hotkey combination Ctrl+Shift+I or Cmd+Shift+I at your cursor position will display the tooltip.

Script analysis diagnostics now include the same links as the Script Analysis window, allowing you to quickly access relevant documentation. Type detail information is now displayed more consistently with autocomplete and signature help, using aliases when available.


Documentation on Hover

The hover tip displays summaries from Roblox documentation if available. You can use the links in the hover tip to quickly jump to the relevant documentation page in your browser for more detailed information.


If you want to view more of the documentation content, you can resize the widget via the top or right edge to your preference. The size you adjust to is stored for future initial displays of the hover tip!


User-Defined Function Documentation

For user-defined functions, the Script Editor automatically extracts comments placed above the function definition and displays them in signature help, autocomplete, and the new hover tip. No formatting or special syntax is required.


Alongside these new features, we are focusing our efforts on autocomplete and overall typecheck latency. Let us know of any issues you encounter or any feature requests! We look forward to sharing new updates soon.

Happy scripting!


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The User-Defined Function Documentation is an amazing feature, it will save people a lot of time while writing long scripts!


Awesome - this should also help us who are still learning scripting.
Watching tutorials with the popups as they type … we miss much.
This can at least explain with detail… at our pace… with links too.

Thank You.


Will Roblox ever introduce Node scripting like UE and other programs ?


I have long awaited this update. This brings some more functionality to the script editor that was missing from other text editors like VS Code. I like that you can use Ctrl+P to search for scripts, however it also shows instances other than scripts. This slows things down a bit as it also adds a bunch of other junk in there I don’t want to see. I don’t see myself using it for any other reason, so could you make Ctrl+P only search for scripts? Also this is a bit far fetched but adding more preset custom color themes to the text editor would be nice.


YESSS I’ve been dreaming of the day user-defined functions would have some form of documentation. Gone are the days of frantically going through large codebases to find where a function is just to remember what it does!


Does this accept any formatting (links, code blocks, etc.) or is it just raw text?


W update
Are there any changes made to ‘RegisterAutocompleteCallback’?


I feel like introducing something like that would be sort of bad since it’s better and more practical to teach written programming languages rather then visual programming. Along with that, visual programming more then often have limitations compared to written languages and most modern day are typically easy to learn.

Not necessarily a bad suggestion, It’s just not practical.


Could this be expanded upon to include function types? Does not appear to work for them right now


I just want to say, this is so amazing I don’t have words. You also fixed a long standing bug, that if a module was required in enough locations, it would lose its autocomplete.

The fact that the comments flow through as well to there references is just Chefs kiss. I am Dumb struck right now.

Now if I could just figure out how to get the same benefits with my class implementation.


Please add the ability to add custom autocomplete icons!

Some additional features but not extremely important would be to detect keybinds in a script, make it possible to force update the autocomplete response when not typing and see where the mouse location is.

This would allow me improve my plugin and make it easier to use. :slight_smile:


being able to set a hover text for user variables would be awesome for people releasing scripts publicly. not sure how implementation would work though. imagine hovering over the xPosOffsetB variable and it saying “X position offset of the second model” or smth. small but would be amazing.



I couldn’t believe Studio didn’t do this by default. It was the #1 pain I had with intellisense.

The doc comments are a dream too, would love to see the formatting possibilities for these expanded over time.


This is my first time seeing you post here and with your first post you brought something awesome! Keep it up!


Now THIS is epic.

…but now I have to clean up my rambling comments above functions…

I think it would be cool if we could use rich text markup, though that would probably make the comments themselves harder to read :thinking:

it’s fun




Thank you for this!

This is a game changer for documenting our own work! (either for ourselves and for other people to use)

I agree with others regarding the addition of formatting, it would definitely be helpful!

If we can’t have formatting, it would be helpful to have @param and @return (and perhaps even @deprecated) tags.
It would allow developers to explain each parameter in detail, and explain what the method/function returns, and also if we can have the function crossed when it is marked as @deprecated. All these features stated above would definitely level up documentation on the platform.

Here’s an example (from Java):


With all these tips and reminders, developers will definitly reduce errors and iterations, means faster error detection. It would be interesting to see how much time is saved with updates like these and how many errors are caught earlier.


This has been needed for a looooong time!

Now we don’t have to go into our modules just to remember how to use them.

Can you add link support to these? (at least for links to the DevForum)