First of its kind Roblox Search Engine!

Whoa this is really cool will we be able to upload videos and images?

Do players have to buy hostnames?

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Right now, players can only insert text using
< t > title
< h1 > header
< ds > description.

Also only I have a .dev ending while normal players have a .com ending.

That’s a good idea thought, but I have no idea how to insert videos

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Wait i just went on the game but which website can i pull up

1 Like - first working site

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aye nice let me check it out also how can i make my own site, and how are you gonna handle the moderation?

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So far, you can make your site without moderations, using this article you will know everything you need to know!


Im gonna have the second website on the first ever roblox engine haha

im honored

2 Likes I see, very creative

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LOL wait i just searched that up before

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ohhhh, I confused my logs. I thought that was you web name :joy:


How do I place down my tags, It tried clicking the mouse button 1 and it wouldnt place

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Sorry, press Q, I frogot to mention that!


Im trying to make text white but it isnt working

EDIT: i got it working haha i just had to replace with

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its pretty cool (character limit)


< t > is your entry tag, meaning its a title
< wh > SHOULD be your ending tag; you only need 2 tags

ex: < t > somthing < wh >


Are fonts supported yet or are we stuck with Gotham Bold

Yay now im really excited, this could go very far man, still working on my website hehe @shipmaster2410

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hehe… right now you are stuck with Gotham bold… The next update includes var!!!

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Will you also update the positioning of the text better because its kind of frustrating trying to get it to be where Ii want it

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Yeah, thats been a bug I have been working on


Uh I kinda found a bug

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