First of its kind Roblox Search Engine!

you site adress will be rsw.[sitename].com

You should allow users to change their top-level domain.

Yeah, for right now though, its only .com, and I can only use .dev. If the game gets popular I will for sure add domain purchases.

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How do you plan to moderate this site and others by yourself? People could easily bypass…

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You can split the string of <h1> and then split the rest with </h1> once you get the first split then you can get what is in between

that’s what I’m doing. Notice how each color and tag is 2 letters. Find the first and the last 4

Right now, there is no moderation. Again, this a alpha game and has 0 concurrent players

Then, i reccomend coming up with a moderation method fast. Otherwise,this is pretty cool.

they indeed can. but you can put a warning + they can rejoin anyway

I have to make the commands for the game, so I might be able to do similar to lua but it’s still ROWEB

ok. that would be tedious though; also a lua injector is a good ides bc u can add buttons etc

if you write a whole language then im not sure why u didnt takr the easy routr

Yeah. Buttons and images are he next update. Button functions will be complicated though

Woah dude how did you post a 2 character message?


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Effectively this is a forum where you have to code your post (since it’s text only). Unless I missed it, how would players find the “sites” of other players? Is there a “search engine” that brings up a list of relevant “sites”?

Not yet, in my words a search engine is where you search up. I could call it a “search website” which would not make well. Thats a good idea though, I will keep that in mind

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It looks amazing! It’s just the UI that I really kind of… eh on it. Apart from that, Great concept!

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But then why don’t you implement the / feature for closing like html does

Search engines aren’t used only for www, according to Oxford: “a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user”, so you are correct, and you don’t need to modify the name.

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Wow that is big brain

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