Fix for a mysterious prompt purchase EXPLOIT in my game

Thats it

Umm this is odd. I definetly updated before the 29th and its not even the 29th for me. Its 10:17 on the 28th. SO idk if someone from another timezone did something? or what. but… whats going on.

The times on this page aren’t reflective of your timezone.

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Do you have anybody in team create or anything? If it’s changing versions it probably is something like that.

whoever this exploiter is, seems like he/she is repeatedly trying to update your game, seems more of a hacker to me now

I doubt someone would legitimately try to hack roblox just to sell some 7 robux shirt.

that’s true,but again sometimes hackers are desperate he/she also used some kind of Japanese coding from what @Manelin said

Well, i kinda need to get rid of it. I don’t know what in the game could be prompting the purchase i searched through all the scripts. I have thousands of people in trafic every day now, and i gotta get the exploiting under control, and figure out what this is. When i travel to the next place, after the main menu, it does it in the other game place aswell. Idk why!!!

I deleted those japanese scripts

This is a really weird case.

  1. Do you have anyone in team create?
  2. Try uninstalling all plugins that aren’t 100% needed.
  3. Where did you find those “japanese scripts”?

Maybe, but it’s probably just a backdoor or something like that. Otherwise they could just change their own robux value and do other things not sell a 7 robux shirt in some random main menu/lobby place of a game.

Its not in team create, and i found two scripts in obscure blocks.

If i’m not mistaken, those two “Graphic beautifers” seem like backdoors, try uninstalling them.

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This topic is becoming really bloated, try to keep your responses to a minimum if they’re off topic.

I’ve finished looking through the source of your plugins and none of them seem to be the culprit. Are you sure you searched for the MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase() function in all of your scripts?

@3rdhoan123 I just looked at the source of those plugins since I also thought they were the cause of this, however they don’t have anything malicious in them.

What do you mean by obscure blocks?

Just random blocks within models

Did you create those blocks? Also did you uninstall most of your plugins? A lot of them seem (no offense) pretty minor, such as waterfall generator. Try to only take trusted plugins. I only have 3 non default plugins which are trusted, F3X Building tools, Roundify, and LoadCharacter.

Are they your models? Or others work? That could be the reason.