Flexible UICorners

I love how much UI customization Roblox currently offers, but I would love to have the ability to change each corner’s radius separately. For example, if you want a child frame to match the corner of the parent frame you have to apply the same corner offset to both the parent and the child. If this child frame is on the edge of the parent, I don’t want the corners not bordering the parent to have corner. I am sure there are many more use cases for this, and it would stop the annoying workaround by using multiple frames to achieve this effect.


Fully support. I’d love to see a way to be able to set each corner individually using one object and choose if I want other sizes for the other corners using another object


I support this would be useful for making chat bubbles or a button that sticks out the side of the screen.


Additionally I would like to have individual corners to have different corner style, for example bevel or rounding, that also would be a cool addition.


would like to bump this, as I still think this would be a great feature. as currently i have to resort to using image labels with a custom 9slice scaled image if i want custom corners, would be great to have this expanded. Or even a new instance called UIAdvancedCorners or smth, because if they changed how it worked currently it could lead to scripts breaking.


Bump, UICorners as a whole need to be revamped:

Individual Corners

-- For Uniform corners, it stays the same.
UICorner.CornerRadius = UDim.new(0, 15)

-- For Individual corners, use a table.
UICorner.CornerRadius = {
  TopLeft = UDim.new(0, 10), 
  TopRight = UDim.new(0, 15), 
  BottomLeft = UDim.new(0, 5), 
  BottomRight = UDim.new(0, 20)

UICorner smoothing
This isn’t entirely necessary, but it would be great to have since a lot of my designs rely on it, forcing me to export them as an image.

UICorner.Smoothing = 0.6 -- 0-1

UICorner behavior

I exported both of these as an image at 300x5, as you can see the Roblox rounded bar is almost rectangular, let’s look at them at a smaller scale.

The Roblox rounded bar missed about 3 pixels of rounding. This behavior forces me to yet again use exported images for rounded objects falling below this range.